Main points from current stand point as I see them: 1: Group was attacked by Wargs which where dispatched rather quickly with easy, stupid dogs making me look bad. Followed up by a meeting with the story's current Antagonist, the Warlock. A fight broke out with the Warlock taking stock of the warriors and showing them how out classed they currently are against just him. 2: Despite bad feelings, the group decided to stay in that forest and camp up for the night. Thinking that a nights rest would do them all some good, which is a good idea, they pitched tents and got the fire going once more. Followed by dinner being killed and currently being preped for eating. 3: Strange Elf Thief rushes into camp calming she is being attacked by an Orc who is trying to 'Steal' from her. Orc walks into camp and is dumbfounded by what he sees. Taking the best advantage of the situation at hand the Thief pushes the fact she is innocent. Fails once the contents of said item that is trying to be 'stolen' is taken. With her rouse shown false she is given a choice, leave or stay but be watched like a dog basically. She stayed. 4: As the night started to set in more, the Orc decides to try and help as best he can after everyone read the letter in the bag that was now returned to the Orc. Everyone is trying to relax and get their heads straight. The Spirit Walker is Spirited away for a fateful meeting. The rest of the gang tends to their wounds and dinner is now cooking. With this out of the way we find out the name of the Thief and a relation between her and the Warlock might exist. No one presses questions, instead she plays over the Noble Knight Leader of the group and thankfully his wits are about him as he resists her temptations. 5: A new comer known as The First Transendent shows up and explains why he is there as well as the fact he is non-hostile to the group, which is met with disdain and distrust. The Thief says the Transendent is here for her further reveling that she dose indeed have a rather strong connection to the Warlock if the 1st Division Commander and one of the Warlocks most Powerful Generals was sent to get her. At the same time some one went to scout out the area running into the second reason the Transendent was sent out there to that camp. Cu: As it stands he has stated he ain't leaving and tough get over it. Dropping a line as to one of the reason the Ruling Elf's built their capital City where they did. Now Players are prompted to make posts around getting grub, asking questions, or going to bed and rest up. The Choice is, and always will be yours to make.