[hider=race] Giants: Giants are large bipedal creatures that tower above most other races, they tend to prefer a mostly vegetable diet, traditionally the leaves of trees, given a larger gut size they are able to better digest things humans cannot. they tend to move slowly and when they perform tasks they do so in a very methodical manner, they tend to sleep when no food is available and can stay in this state for nearly one-hundred years if need be, halting aging. Giant lifespans seem to vary from giant to giant, with some living as short as 100 years while others making it to 500. Giants are usually non-confrontational but when hungry or with sufficient provocation they can make a dangerous enemy. Like humans, Giants are a tool using species though some scholars question whether the structures and tools built by giants can be compared to that of the smaller races. While giants are often seen as being non-magical, occasionally they become wizards if they live in a culture that nurtures magical talent. Giants also have a traditional discipline of magic that is practiced by many members of the species, this discipline allows its users to integrate materials into their bodies without irritation or damage. The kinds of materials the giants integrate into themselves varies between different groups of giants but can include plants and minerals, for decoration, food, identification, camoflage and at times defense or weaponry. [/hider]