[quote=@Rune_Alchemist] [@GingerBoi123] Howdy I suppose I'll be willing to give this another shot. Here's da old CS. [hider=Kat] [h3][color=0054a6][center]"Here's how this is gonna work. I'm gonna shove this gun where the sun don't shine, and fill ya full of holes. Then I'm gonna go over to the bar, get a drink, and use your body as a dart board. Capisce?"[/center][/color][/h3] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1436/d0d567834722492f0834c40c3345c8f0.jpeg?1504560[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Katherine Sinclair [b]Alias:[/b] N/A Kat does fine. She's just the muscle, don't need nor particularly want a special title. Some like to call her 'Aegis', though she's not quite sure who started that. If she finds 'em, she's gonna beat the shit out of 'em. [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] Short blond hair, typically cut to fall just to her shoulders, and dull bluish-grey eyes are the things people would notice about her. Standing roughly at five foot seven, thanks to her rather athletic build she can come off as a bit intimidating to some people. Her snarky, somewhat hostile demeanor doesn't help either. Aside from that, Kat has fairly obvious muscles that could likely put a few men to shame and cause them to question their own masculinity. As far as clothing goes, She is a fan of simple attire. In her every day environment, Kat prefers easy to move in pants with sturdy boots and an airy, light shirt that can breathe easily. When on the job, her attire typically varies depending on the situation. It can go from classy clothing, to something a bit more indicative of subterfuge. Whatever gets the job done. She can often be seen smoking a cigarette, or drinking the strongest alcohol she can get her hands on. [b]Position:[/b] Soldier/Hitman [b]Specialty: [/b] Fighting/'taking care of problems.' [b]Personality:[/b] Violent, has a bit of an anger problem, and prefers solving things with her guns rather than peaceful solutions. She's far from what one might expect of a woman in this day and age. Despite her anger and tendency to shoot first and ask later, Kat is usually pretty friendly. To her comrades and people she works with, she's fairly amicable, though she's definitely a bit of a sarcastic jackass. Anyone is fair game for her snark and insults. Even herself, if she does something stupid. If someone has a problem with that, they can talk to either her boot or the end of her gun. Despite her rather violent and snarky behavior, mistaking her for a simple minded brute would be asking to get killed. While she isn't exactly book smarts, one doesn't live on the street as long as she has and not get clever or creative. She is also incredibly loyal to anyone she works for. She says she'll do something, she'll do it or she'll die trying. [b]History:[/b] Kat doesn't like talking much about her past. Not that its anything particularly special. She's always been a bit of a bad seed - growing up on the streets because her family was poor didn't exactly help either. She never really had much of a chance to excel or behave like a normal kid should. Not that she ever particularly cared. She had her own little gang of misfits she ran with from the time she was fifteen until she was eighteen and got up to [i]plenty[/i] of trouble. Pissing of the cops just because she could, was one of her favorite pastimes. Vandalism, breaking and entering, and a whole slew of other misdemeanors until she turned eighteen. It wasn't much of a surprise she ended up on the wrong side of the law afterwards either. She just got smarter about it. Jail wasn't fun. She grew up around some shady people, and asked if they had any 'work' for her of the not so glamorous kind. Calling in a favor from a friend was easy enough, and after he asked around a bit he found someone willing to give her a bit of a job. Someone had been rattin' on the family to the police, and the Godfather wanted him 'taken' care of and made an example of. Arguably, it was a difficult request. The guy had police protection and everything, and she was just one slightly more than average skilled street urchin who had a hobby of working out and kicking people if they pissed her off. Really, she should have died - she took a bullet to the head from the guy after she took care of his police detail. Yet, she didn't. The bullet bounced off some unseen barrier in front of her. She had no idea what happened at the time, but she didn't waste the chance to make an example of the guy like the boss wanted. She came back to a job well done and a hefty sum of money waiting for her. After that, she got a steady stream of work from them whenever they needed someone with muscle or to take care of something. She's been fascinated with this little ability of hers, and has been working on flexing the proverbial muscle for it wherever she gets the chance. [b]Power:[/b] To put simply, Kat generates a localized force-field around herself. This field, forcefully rejects any sort of foreign matter that tries to get in. Basically, she's always covered in what we might call a 'shield'. Bullets bounce off, punches are halted in their tracks...she's called 'Aegis' by some for a reason. This semi-permeable field is around her at almost all times, and she has limited control over the size of it, and using her as a center she can extend it to about roughly five yards away from her in all directions. The strength of it, of course decreasing the larger it is. Usually, though, she simply keeps the field on a more personal level - typically around herself. As it is semi-permeable to an extent, she can somewhat choose what passes through this field and what doesn't. Solid and liquids are halted typically with some difficulty, but gasses go right through it. The field, of course, is far from impenetrable. The field can roughly withstand the same force as your average brick wall. A sufficiently high-powered gun could easily punch through it. Likewise, prolonged exposure to any continuous sort of damage has visible effects on Kats physical state. At worst, it could lead to a deadly brain hemorrhage. Strength can vary somewhat, depending on how much focus she puts into it. Can be used somewhat offensively, as she can 'punch' something without hurting herself, since her body is covered in a durable thin layer of armor. Likewise, she can use the it to lift weight a bit outside the normal human realm rather easily, though it puts a great strain on her abilities and at most she could stop/lift roughly 250lbs~ of force. She assumes she could theoretically get better with time and practice. [b]Extra:[/b] - Likes Mexican and spicy, exotic foods. - Has been at least somewhat trained in close quarters combat. - Can reasonably well do some breaking and entering. [/hider] [/quote] OH how I've missed this one.... She's a hoot.... So should we talk about who would get along with who? I mean in a Mafia not all the members get along granted they do work together for the Godfather, but still...