[centre] [h2][color=00aeef]Artorigios[/color][/h2] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0f/d6/1f/0fd61f7df325b0e82b33566846436e26.jpg[/img] [color=00aeef][b]Male[/b][/color] [color=00aeef]Avatar's Personality:[/color] the same as Julius', perhaps a little more regal in bearing but just as grand in speech, although without Julius' habit of waffling. He is a commander who fights on the front lines or just behind them, spearheading his tactics although he specialises in taking hits rather than defeating enemies through brute force. Artorigios appears mostly in medieval settings, specialising in the use of a bastard sword in conjunction with heavy armour, all modelled on the male Arthur from the Fate/Stay anime series. Somewhere, Artorigios acquired a weapon actually named Excalibur which seems to have almost game-breaking properties at times. Rumour has it that the avatar complete a quest chain which was only ever available for a single use. In any case, this avatar has built up a reputation as a tactician in any setting but especially in pre-1900 warfare although remains staunchly freelance. [h2][color=00aeef]Julius Ragnarson[/color][/h2] [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/8135/f/2012/039/9/1/_fate__saber_by_zaphylla-d4p1qp4.jpg[/img] [color=00aeef][b]Male, 21[/b][/color] Of average height at 5' 10" with an athletic frame suffering from malnutrition. Julius takes care in his physical appearance in as much as having his hair cut regularly and maintaning good personal hygeine levels, two things that not all 'Adventurers' will waste their time on. He tends to wear jeans with a short-sleeved chequered shirt, ironed carefully but showing signs of wear and tear and perhaps needing replacement. Usually he can be found wearing glasses, his eyesight being appalling bad although when in the Virtual Reality there is no need for such items as the image is directly focused onto the user's retina.[/centre] [b][color=00aeef]Personality:[/color][/b] Mild, calm and amiable. Julius takes everything in at his own pace, methodical and careful in all his dealings. Even when worked up he forces himself to move and react at the same pace, taking the time to treat every issue or scenario with proper diligence. This can come across as frustrating to others when he is not reflecting the heightening emotions they are exhibiting but when it comes to problem solving or bringing someone down from a bout of rage there are few better than this softly spoken young man. He does not have the fiery passion of some leaders but his charisma lies in a sense of constant progression; when someone is with Julius they feel that they will always be moving forwards and that no matter what lies in the way, he will resolve the issue with his usual calm demeanour. Underneath this calm exterior, the young man is passionate about many things. He has a strong sense of 'rightness' (he sees 'justice' as a loaded concept, since it usually relies upon at least one person being 'judged') and even, in an old-fashioned way, honour. This is what drives him as an Adventurer and he will never use dishonest tactics to get ahead of others who are competing fairly. He may also be mildly addicted to tea, taking frequent breaks from the Virtual Reality to make a quick cuppa. He is British, after all. [color=00aeef][b]History:[/b][/color] Julius was born and bred in Britain, southern England in the county of Wiltshire to be precise. His parents had relatively well paid jobs, his father a lecturer at a relatively prestigious university and his mother a campaign manager for a local political party. With the advent of VR their jobs changed in different ways, his father moving from lecturing in rooms in great need of repair into lecturing in grandiose virtual campuses from home. It was much easier, with limitless resources at his fingertips and could be much more interactive than lecturing in reality could ever be. His mother, on the other hand, struggled to keep up with the changes. The days of knocking on doors and canvassing were coming to an end and campaigning tactics were falling behind the times rapidly. Eventually it was all out sourced to bots which could call out slogans in VR and did not need paying and so she lost her job. For a time they carried on securely, the house bought and paid off and his father's salary sufficient to sustain them. The world decayed slowly around them, the previous decade of stagnation deteriorating as everyone hiding inside the virtual world from the real one. Contrary to what one might believe, Julius' mother was a great believer in the advantages VR could bring but struggled to beat the flood of people trying to get a job in its production and became frustrated at being unable to effect the change she wanted. When Julius' father became ill and eventually died from cancer, their struggle began. Ultimate his mother passed away from the stress of trying to maintaining their previous lifestyle while simultaneously being unable to do so leaving Julius with a house filled with ageing books on everything from theology to advanced mathematics. Being an intelligent child, home-schooled by a lecturer and a well-educated mother (by this time the state school system was a creaking wreck and the VR schools had yet to be set up), Julius easily obtained an honours degree in history and subsequently passed his Masters in the same subject but found nowhere to utilise the skills he had earned. It was the Quest that gave him direction again and now he 'works' full time on it, having given up on searching for a normal job (few of which exist) and living off the small pension payments owed to him through his parents' deaths alongside whatever earnings he can convert from his VR endeavours. [color=00aeef][b]Expertise:[/b][/color] Julius is a scholar who can excel in any area of study he chooses. For better of for worse he chose history and this is the area in which he excels. All being said, he has a wide pool of knowledge and has a nearly photographic mind, learning anything and everything rapidly and committing it to memory with ease. As such, he is perhaps well placed to succeed in the Quest, even if his gaming skills are only just above average.