[hider=Fission] [b]Name:[/b] Protus "Fission" Sulidonis [b]Race:[/b] Turian [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Specialization:[/b] Assassin (Infiltrator) [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/c628/f/2011/112/1/3/turian_assassin_by_dandzialf-d3elo7z.jpg[/img][/hider] Protus towers slightly over seven feet, and his loose clothing create a successful illusion of a large frame. This is often how he catches his targets by surprise, as his movement is far faster than his frame suggests. He treats the world with the typical tired and disappointed gaze of a high-level thug, which makes his patient and well-mannered voice catch most conversation partners unprepared. In addition to being loose-fitting, his taste of clothes is purely functional, other than a weird tendency to choose colors that mimic the local fashion. [b]Background:[/b] To a culture dilletante, it would make no sense for Turian worlds and settlements to have crime. After all, the entire culture of the people is based on militaristic discipline and a straightforward attitude. But as it is in all societies, corruption sprouts at the seams, where discipline has the weakest hold and power is concentrated in the hands of the few. In other words - at the top. It is no wonder, therefore, that it takes a single general who lets power go into their head to be able to turn the actions of thousands of honest Turian soldiers to personal gain. But unlike humans, the Turian society cannot support a rotten organ within its body. And such generals soon find themselves excommunicated and left to fend for themselves. Those whose loyalty lie with the people and not with the code of honor would join this exile to create bands of pirates, using advanced technology and no less advanced military tactics to amass power and riches, in an infinite race to make the universe into their personal paradise. These bands readily attract other outcasts of the Turian society, as long as there's mutual gain. And Protus was such a Turian. His division was glad to get rid of him when he deserted - almost every psychology expert marked him as a borderline psychopath. The life of a front-line special ops operative was not an easy one, but still there are few who make killing into a combination of art and sports, personal achievements and records included. His corps mates avoided Galius's company for many reasons, the most dominant of which being his gaze, which made them feel like prey. When high command noticed this they started a slow process of demotion, which Galius noticed almost instantly. The solution was obvious - if the military cannot appreciate his skill, he would simply have to sell it to the highest bidder. And after a short sortie with a band of pirates that were too weak in the "subtlety" department for his tastes, Protus decided to try his luck as a mercenary. And what better place to buy and sell lives at than the Citadel? [b]Equipment: [/b] - Batarian State Arms silenced heavy pistol - Heavily modified long monofilament knife - A dozen or so Tungsten Carbide throwing knives - Omnitool Powers (Up to four): - Tactical Cloak - Disruptor Blade (like Ammo, for melee weapons) - Decryption - Incinerate [/hider]