[@TheWindel] Still need some Spell names for your spells and a 3 word or so chant. [@Rune_Alchemist] Accepted [@XxLyraxX] You need to rework one or two of your spells to make them sound actually like spells, along with making them names and small 3 word chants. Also change 'Telekinesis' within your talent into Neutral Magic. Neutral magic will hold spells like Telekinesis, Telepathy, Detection, Cleaning etc.... [@Zahir] Your spells still sound bit like abilities. 'Controlling Plants to Move' and 'Bending Sun rays' like I said before, spells tend to do a specific action, this action isn't one that can changed into something different. 'Controlling Plants to Move' isn't a simple action spell. [@sassy1085] Let me know when your character is finished.