On any other day, Serefell would look like most other cities across the Crystal Isles: clean, bustling, merry, and under the tranquil light of a long-lasting peace. But in that summer, like every fifth summer before in the eastern streets of the city, weapons littered the ground, armor makers peddled their wares, smiths' hammers rang out loud against their anvils, and grand tapestries depicting battle hung high. This was not a time of war - for soldiers were not present, and in that era of rich development, few had any desire to hold a blade aside from imaginative children, and combat had withdrawn strictly to sport - but it was broadly known that within Serefell took place one of the greatest fighting competitions in the land: the Grand Trial. Companies from far and wide came together to enter their greatest masters of the spear, axe, staff, and sword into the Grand Trial. Some fought for fame and fortune. Others, for honor. Some fought for the simple thrill of battle. No matter the reason, the outcome was clear: only one would bring glory to their people and become renowned throughout history as Champion. [hr] Clash is a roleplay about mixed weapons martial arts. I've followed weapons training pretty avidly my entire life and this is to scratch an itch I have regarding sports roleplaying and heavy character development. I've taken pretty heavy inspiration from boxing movies and Hajime no Ippo, and I'd like to reflect that sort of feeling in a fantasy environment. In Clash, mixed weapons martial arts is like boxing or MMA in the modern world. Fighting and war doesn't really happen, there's general peace, and so people have made fighting into a sport. Our characters will be (preferentially) from a single dojo. They will undergo training in any form of combat you wish (be as creative as you like) including magic, though I would ask that you run your style of magic by me first as I would like this to remain mostly physical. I would also prefer our characters begin young and mostly untrained (maybe one or two years into it, but not having very much experience in tournaments or renown). Lots of time will pass through the course of the roleplay, giving our characters a large amount of development. When our characters actually compete in a tournament, there will be no player-versus-player matches unless the players work things out between themselves and decide who wins. Sparring matches can be on-the-fly as there doesn't need to be a winner. The story won't be all training and tournaments, of course. Scandals, nights on the town, travel, and other conflicts will happen. But the focus of the story is character and strength development. [hr] [quote=Character's name.]Name[/quote] [quote=Include general appearance, including racial descriptors if not human (reasonable creative license given).]Appearance[/quote] [quote=An important value in competition.]Height[/quote] [quote=A brief overview. Other players will use this for minor interactions.]Personality[/quote] [quote=A brief overview explaining the kinds of weapons your character uses and how they use them. Other players will use this when writing sparring scenes.]Weapon of Choice / Fighting Style[/quote] [b]Name:[/b] Cassan Dahlin [b]Appearance:[/b] Cass is a youthful and slender adolescent of 17 years of age. Waves of medium-length, dark auburn hair are brushed back away from his face and kept neat and clean. His skin is light olive in tone, reflecting islander heritage, and unbroken aside from a number of tiny burn scars on his arms. His eyes are stale blue, neither large nor small, and his nose and jaw are straight and triangular. [b]Height:[/b] 6'2" / 188cm [b]Personality:[/b] Cass can be described as somewhat awkward, easygoing, and mirthful. He is lazy to a small degree, though recently has developed a strong sense of determination. He tends to avoid conflict even at his own expense, and stifles his anger and emotion. [b]Weapon of Choice / Fighting Style:[/b] Cass trains in most types of long-bladed swords. Lacking in experience and skill, he relies on his speed and reflexes when sparring, often keeping distance from his opponent and relying on hit-and-run techniques. As such, Cass does not burden himself with heavy armor or a shield, fighting with only a single blade.