[quote=@Pilatus] Dibs on Mig-31 [/quote] Good choice! I like the MiG-25 and -31 for their sheer brute power. The angular look has something going for it too. [quote=@Massasauga] The F-15 is my favorite jet aircraft. If we ever go get super fighters, you can bet I'd want an F-15 STOL/MTD. [/quote] That's definitely a good route to go down. There probably will be upgrades as the game goes on, allowing fighters to use a wider range of weapons and increase some of their abilities etc. Though, it'll be over time and as a significant point of change in the story as things escalate, rather than a 'spend xp = mods' kind of thing. I'll probably have a player character as well, not sure what aircraft I'll take. I do love the F-15 as well, but I'm tempted to go for something a bit different. I might go for a Tornado, or a Harrier. I'll also get working on the OOC tomorrow and hopefully have it up by the evening (UK time). At least then we can get working on stuff, and it might attract some more interest too.