"You're not supposed to have that many because its so full of sugar but I don't care, they're too good to pass up," Sasha laughed before taking a sizable bite, covering her mouth as she tried to chew the hardening caramel. Her mother would be going insane right now if she knew she was having sweets like this especially before a proper meal. Licking at the remaining caramel she watched as the next match was announced and Takeshi went to the stage followed by Jura, a woman she'd never seen before nor did the name ring a bell. As much as she might love for Takeshi to lose the match and be knocked down a peg it would be more satisfying if she or Ricken were able to do it. But she figured Shu would like to see his brother succeed and so she'd cheer for him if not begrudgingly so. "Today's been pretty amazing hasn't it? And we've still got the rest of the tournament to go!" Sasha said before clapping her hands, "Come on Takeshi, you got this!" "I'm gonna have fun too! Fun kicking your butt!" Takeshi beamed, cracking his knuckles as the match began, "Don't think I'm going to go easy on you because you're a chick either!" Who was she calling a bad guy? So he wanted to win, big deal! Not expecting much out of a Uuonian he was taken aback when she dashed in as quickly as she did, lifting an arm and quickly blocking the kick. Playing around?! That kick hurt! Trying to reply with a strike of his own he threw a wide right punch and only managed to whiff as Jura backed off, his own momentum carrying him forward as he awkwardly hopped on one foot to stay up. Catching himself he grinned in amusement and arched an eyebrow, taking a stance as he settled himself in. "Not bad! I almost felt that!" he teased, kicking off with his foot and lowering his body as he got close, twisting around and trying to deliver a backwards kick to Jura's stomach, "Dodge this!"