[quote=@Rithy] Oi! I started working on the Character Relation sheet :D It's still WIP, but this is what I've made so far! [hider=Vella's relation sheet] [center][b]╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗[/b][/center] [center][h2][color=6ecff6][i][b]Vella "Calisto" Calixten Ophelia[/b][/i][/color][/h2][/center] [center][b]╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝[/b][/center] [center][b][i][color=6ecff6]This is going to be a great adventure! I hope I brought enough ammo... [/color][/i][/b][/center] [center]| [color=yellow]☀[/color] Friends | [color=FF00FF]✌[/color] Neutral | [color=brown]☕[/color] Who? | [color=gray]☠[/color] Not fond of | [color=00FA9A]⚜[/color] Acquaintances | [color=00BFFF]✸[/color] Best friends | [color=pink]❤[/color] Love interest | [color=red]❧[/color] Dating |[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Jake Anderson|| [/h3][/color] [color=39b54a]⚜ [/color]On a glance, one might think Anderson was taken straight out of an army recruitment brochure! [color=39b54a]⚜ [/color] 'Jake Anderson struck me right off the bat as the model Alliance soldier, a man who never flinched in the face of danger, did his duties and more, and was willing to put his life on the line for both the mission and the crew. Yet behind this model behavior I could not help but feel that the man was carrying a weight on his shoulder. He is a man marked by experience, but also scarred by it. Events of the past can act as terrible motivators, pushing soldiers to great length; but they could also consume them. I doubt Anderson would ever admit to softness, especially in front of his soldiers, but I should keep an eye on him. He is but a human after all.'[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Aegon Partinax || [/h3][/color] [color=39b54a]⚜[/color] A stuck up hardass, but a proud stuck up hardass at that! [color=39b54a]⚜ [/color] Ironically, much like his colleague in Anderson, Aegon is in many ways living up his stereotypes, this time to the Turian military. Strict, obsessed over every little bit of his duty, and probably incapable of smiling as well! Although his zealotry can be hard to swallow, his fanatical devotion to the turian military lifestyle can also keep him safe from the stress of war. While I doubt he would make much friend material, I feel confident in relying on him! Turians are predictable like that, and Aegon is a model Turian above all!' [/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Ravanor Rykarn || [/h3][/color] [color=39b54a]⚜[/color] The Pain-Train made manifest. Although he has the personality of a rock, it is that of a rolling rock, going down a hill to crush anything its path and not give a shit! [color=39b54a]⚜[/color] A mountain both in personality and on the battlefield, Rykarn may not seem like much more than a waddling tower of meat and armor at first sight, but behind all that thick hide hides a cunning intelligence indicating a wide breadth of experiences. He his sharp, although not in any wide abstract, sophisticated or academic sense, yet this makes him all the more refreshing as he is neither an academic snob or dumb muscle. There is something lovable about the big brute, and for some reason, I feel very competitive around him too. I bet my biotics could beat even his mighty brawn! [/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Ellis Taevon || [/h3][/color] ✌ Goddess, what a little black box of insanity and horror! If I did not know better, I would have thought Ellis be related to the war-matriarch of the Lance of Light! ✌ 'Every piece of my body tells me that such a foul amalgamation of flesh and machine should not exist, yet I also find Ellis to be strangely endearing. He is a monster, yet he is [b]our[/b] monster, the party's pet if you will! And deep inside, I can't help but sense the mind of a child never fully developed. Cerberus may have engineered him, brought him into being, but Ellis the person is still an infant. His thoughts are ajar, convoluted and unfocused. Whilst I hold doubts whether such a mangled mind can be saved, and all laws of nature claim he should die, I feel drawn to see if I cannot salvage something from that little consciousness of his; so soft and vulnerable behind all that imposing black armor.'[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Phalanx || [/h3][/color] ✌ Adorable yet disconcerting. Is it a person, or is a machine? ✌ 'Whenever I see it, I can feel my instincts kick in; telling me to grab my gun or churn its plates with my biotics. But I know that is just all my experiences in simulations and information feed. No, there is something far more unsettling about this machine, something that goes beyond my training. Its behavior could be described as adorable, even childlike, yet my emotions are mixed; I cannot fully feel remorse for something that is in reality a machine. How could our minds ever meld if Phalanx is in truth simply nothing more than a sophisticated CPU artificially created at some factory, merely simulating sentient behavior? Is there truly a consciousness behind that glowing lamp of a head? I find myself smiling at its silly behavior, yet I simultaneously feel a discomfort grip my heart whenever I do so. This is not natural. Phalanx is a machine. How could I ever bond with mere circuits and logic-switches? No other member of the party makes me smile as much as Phalanx, but no other member of the party makes me as uncomfortable at the same time!' [/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Ja'Far Balak || [/h3][/color] ☠ When is this Batarian finally going to stab us in the back I wonder? ☠ 'Batarians are trouble, and although Ja'Far is by far one of the more stranger batarians(aside from the one Batarian electric-didgeridoo player from that night club, which was actually pretty cool!), I cannot imagine Ja'Far's true nature being any different! Cruelty is the nature of their race, and I cannot imagine what darkness Ja'Far crawled out from to reach his position. I must stay vigilant, for while I do not know his evil plan, I cannot rest in his dark presence!' [/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Rayes'Xum nar Yaron|| [/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=6ecff6] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Vol'Naris von Vaepal|| [/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=6ecff6] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Tiberius 'tye' Adarian || [/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=6ecff6] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Raik 'Aralakh' Skarr || [/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=6ecff6] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Sicaria Velinian || [/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=6ecff6] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Gilver Somner || [/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=6ecff6] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Salissia Fortia || [/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=6ecff6] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Alria 'Angel' Vicrinus || [/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=6ecff6] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Ethan Sartiel || [/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=6ecff6] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [/hider] [/quote] I find her thoughts on Phalanx amusing XD my mind just went 'Can I fuck it? I don't think it's fuckable. That's a issue. Needs to be fuckable." and laughed.