[@WingsOfBronze] "Payon? Isn't that a far way from here? You two have traveled far indeed. Are you also from Payon? Hmm. Well, you've found some good company here. Anything I can do to help you two, just ask me, please." Aurescia responded. "Still, it is better that he be kind than be mean. Naivete will work itself out eventually. Might take a while." [@Eviledd1984] Kara picked Jareh up. "Is someone hungry? I'll get you something." She gently patted him on the back. "Smith? Can you get some food for him? It's on the top shelf, right there." She pointed at the shelves, many of which had jars on them. [@bloonewb] Rama was in castle Traeton, trying to impress Rughoi of the seriousness of the situation. One of Rughoi's advisers argued with him, trying to convince the chief that everything was fine. "Sire, please! We have the city now, but everything's a mess! Our food stocks are low-" "Easily replenished once we raid the outlying farms!" "-the walls are a wreck-" "We can fix them once we put more of our prisoners to work!" "-and I'm not even sure that this castle will stand up!" "Nonsense. It's nothing that a bit of kobold ingenuity won't fix." A bit of plaster from the ceiling fell down onto the floor right next to them. "My lord. With all due respect, we risk losing everything we have if we don't deal with these issues [i]now.[/i] If you would only-" A herald ran into the room, inserting a horn designed for a dracon's snout into his little kobold mouth. He blew on it, making a cacophony which abruptly ended the exchange. "Announcing Krakas, the queen mother of the Rughid Empire." The herald then put his hands over his head as another bit of plaster cracked off and fell, landing where he had been standing just a moment ago.