Franklin had been making his way along each check point. Not really meeting people, simply going through the motions. He was at another point when he heard someone gasp. He turned and tilted his head. "Yep I'm Franklin" he shook the guys hand and nodded. "I most certainly am new here" the guy started stuttering and Franklin slipped his hands into his pockets. Franklin did not seem fazed by the need out or the stuttering and smiled. "That is really cool." He paused a moment then gave a head tilt once more. "So want to hit the rest of the check ins with me?" He hadn't met anyone else yet so why not. He was supposed to try to be better around people anyway. [hr] As soon as warren stepped off of that plane his wings spread out. That metal tube had felt very constricting to say the least. Getting his id he looked around at all the new faces. He then shrugged and started heading to the athletic area. His way of dealing with feeling cramped was doing exercise of some form. The down side to having wings is small spaces feel ever so uncomfortable. He would fly, but given that he just got here he probably should not do that.