[h1][center][color=SpringGreen] Private Hexner [/color][/center][/h1] [@Raven_Operative] [hr] Once the APC was clean Aria wasted no time in disappearing outside to for a smoke. Savouring it as she had fight the urge to smoke it as quickly as she could. Once her need was placated Aria headed to the barracks to drop off her gear. Once free her equipment Aria roamed the base for half hour. Needing a good walk to stretch her legs out properly, Aria using the walk to remember the layout of the base. Having only been here once or twice before and only for a short time. After her walk, Aria went to the NAAFI to get herself something to eat. Feeling her stomach starting to rumble, thinking she could use a good proper meal. Given she'd hardly eaten on the trip to the base. Arriving at the NAAFI Aria got enough food to feed three people. Picking a corner to sit down it not minding sitting by herself, even though she saw a few other squadmates already and talking. Aria thinking she'd used the time to finish a drawing she'd be working on. Along some of the trip finding it hard to do much in the APC. So she sat down food set down in front of her with her notebook set down a little off to the left. With three pencils neatly lined up above. At first Aria balance the act of eating and drawing well. She'd do a little bit then eat a few mouthfuls so on and so forth. This being a well-practised ritual. She used to get her work done, whether it was effective or not was a matter of debate. Not that Aria cared even if this ritual had lead to Aria ruining a few drawing by spilling food and drink on them. Aria didn't even notice Lilly approach. Looking at her for a moment as she chewed on the bit of food in her mouth. Swallowing before clearing her throat to speak. [color=SpringGreen]"I don't mind. But I said you can call me Hex as well. Aria or Hex whatever floats your boat."[/color] she said in her normal monotone. Taking another lot of food into her mouth. Then Lilly asked the annoying question of 'how are you?' followed by asking if she had made any more interesting drawings since the last spoke. Aria sat for a moment thinking on how to answer Lilly's first question. [color=SpringGreen]"Okay I think."[/color] she answered after a moment of silence. Having answered question Aria placed her notebook near Lilly. Showing the picture she was working on. Which was one of everyone in the APC. Done from Aria's point of view. [color=SpringGreen]"I don't know if it interesting to you. But to me it is. This drawing kept me from shooting you all. Really needed to have a smoke during the trip back. Was trying to be mindful of everyone else."[/color] Aria stated pointing at one person in the drawing. [color=SpringGreen]"That one is you. Still, wish to be faceless? I did mean what I said. Pretty face and all. If you still do, I'll make something up using your real face as my template. Won't be the same but, I must respect your wishes."[/color] she continued realising she'd not given Lilly basic courtesy of asking her well being. [color=SpringGreen]"Forgive me. How are you, Lily? Also before you answer, I must thank you for what did during the battle ... I'm sorry if that made the mission more difficult."[/color] Aria said internally feeling bad for not giving Lilly basic courtesy and what happened during the retaking of Vasel. It made Aria pleases her expression or tone remained her normal unchanging ones.