Davis didn't react very much to being smacked. He just let Mary's hand push his head wherever it wanted to go. “If it makes you feel any better...” Davis sighed. “I voted for myself as well. So I guess we need someone to break the tie. If you all want to save Calvin that is.” Monokuma let out a horse laugh. “Oh this is too much! I've never seen people so willing to become sacrifices. But remember.” Monokuma pointed into the makeshift cage. “You all get to choose who the sacrifice is! Are you really going to sacrifice Mondatta, or is it going to be our self-depreciating-pentacle-of-perfection? There's even enough time to stack the votes against an infinite that might actually deserve it. But watch out, you only have about fifteen seconds left.” Shona groaned in frustration. She could see Mason and Quill were already locking in their votes as well.