[quote=@Ryteb Pymeroce] Sure, I'd be cool with doing a practice battle. A knight deck would be my preference, though the starter decks up to you. [/quote] [hider=Pride & Steel] [b]3x Arcane Longsword[/b] [hider=079 Arcane Longsword] [img]https://saveversus.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/elvenswordhighpoly-1024x452.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Arcane Longsword [b]Type:[/b] Weapon [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Effect:[/b] A fairly strong weapon witha very impressive reach. When blocked the sword will make the opponent discard one card at random from the deck (unless its the last). [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]Strike down all who question the legitimacy of your sword.[/i] [/hider] [b]1x Reptile Ride[/b] [hider=073 Reptile Ride] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammeronline/images/5/5c/De_armor_coldone_heavy.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080529154608[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Reptile [b]Type:[/b] Suppot [b]Element:[/b] Venus [b]Effect:[/b] A mountable support creature that can attack for below average damage by biting and swinging its tail. It's speed is halved in sand but doubled in wooldand. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]Its temper is more entertaining than any trick you could teach it.[/i] [/hider] [b]1x Lizard Soldier[/b] [hider=067 Lizard Soldier] [img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/3/33745/1081144-lizardman_03.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Lizard Soldier [b]Type:[/b] Transform [b]Element:[/b] Neptune [b]Effect:[/b] A well rounded support creature with an above average lifespan. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]The lizard soldier is the toughest out of his cousins, and is unlikely to ever be quiet about it.[/i] [/hider] [b]1x Quartermaster[/b] [hider=057 Quarter Master] [img]https://gomakemeasandwich.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/manatarms.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Quarter Master [b]Type:[/b] Summon [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Effect:[/b] The QuarterMaster will allow the player to put up to 3 previously discarded weapon cards back in the deck ready for use. And will raise the damage of the next melee weapon used by the player. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]You'd be surprised how long it takes to twirl a staff without dropping it.[/i] [/hider] [b]2x Battle Halberd[/b] [hider=032 Battle Halberd] [img]http://geddon.org/images/7/7f/Halberd.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Battle Halberd [b]Type:[/b] Weapon [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Effect:[/b]A fairly slow but strong weapon that can be used to slash or stab. Slashing works better on un-armored opponents, stabbing works better against armoured ones. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]When carrying and an axe and spear just isnt convinient.[/i] [/hider] [b]2x Sturdy Sentry[/b] [hider=030 Sturdy Sentry] [img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_small/1/14440/1287765-heavy_knight.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Sturdy Sentry [b]Type:[/b] Support [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Effect:[/b]A heavily armoured but very slow support who will attack enemies close to himself or the player. Attacks are powerful but quite easy to block or parry. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]"Mobility be damned, as long as I look important!"[/i] [/hider] [b]1x Foul Marksmen[/b] [hider=050 Foul Marksmen] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/1483/f/2012/353/8/e/orc_archers_squad_by_daroz-d5oi7u9.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Foul Marksmen [b]Type:[/b] Summon [b]Element:[/b] Venus [b]Effect:[/b] A squad of forest orcs let loos a flurry of arrows that are hard to dodge and do devastating damage to armored creatures. Impossible to block. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]They curse at not being close enough to see the damage the deal from a distance.[/i] [/hider] [b]2x Throwing Chakram[/b] [hider=046 Throwing Chakram] [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/02202008/1/0/8/8/10884ded93db50_full.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Throwing Chakram [b]Type:[/b] Weapon [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Effect:[/b] A fast, damaging throwing weapon with good damage that will bounce of surfaces for 'bank shot' attacks. Is much less damaging against armored opponents. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]Its not a boomerang, be careful where you throw it.[/i] [/hider] [b]1x SwordBreaker[/b] [hider=069 SwordBreaker] [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/5980/i/2012/264/6/e/jagged_sword_by_pearl_shadow-d5fgdzv.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Swordbreaker [b]Type:[/b] Weapon [b]Element:[/b] Mars [b]Effect:[/b] A well made blade with normal reach and average speed which excels at parrying, if used to parry another sword weapon the opponent will take the damage of his own weapon. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]Forged in an evil cult, to give the arrogant warrior a taste of his own medicine.[/i] [/hider] [b]1x Wily Blacksmith[/b] [hider=020 Wily Blacksmith] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6b/6f/5b/6b6f5b9f9b77375ecc8d63e89cc6ded3.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Wily Blacksmith [b]Type:[/b] Support [b]Element:[/b] Mars [b]Effect:[/b] The Black smith is a non-attack support who increases the damage of all bladed weapons, and decreases the damage of all non-bladed weapons for both the user and the opponent. Has a fairly high lifespan but doesn't move. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] [i]"Contrary to popular belief, I don't get paid comission"[/i] [/hider] [/hider] Your wish is my command, Battlemage, here is your deck. Also please fill out the above character sheet if youd like to try a beta test battle. [@rawkhawk64] I have 2 decks available, A Wolf and A Desert Based one. Also note that your characters are modern, everyday slice of life style young people who happened to have tapped into a mystical game of power.