And here it is, then. [hider=My Hider] Name: Ronald "Ronnie" Baudet Age: 23 Profession: Photographer Nationality: France Personality: Ronnie is a bold young man with passion in his heart. He often takes some risky actions just to get a better angle for his pictures. When he's disinterested however, he barely moves at all. And while he is usually a very social and peaceful person, he's not afraid to fight if he feels someone has seriously slighted him. Interest In Trading Card Games: Ronnie's best friend introduced him to card games when he was 12, he and his friend eventually made some new friends, a dedicated circle of card gamers. Since then he has played all kinds of card games, and he has become a notorious poker-player. When he heard of this game, he knew he simply had to try. Bio: Growing up, Ronnie was a dead-set average kid. Grades, looks, everything, dead average. There was one thing he always excelled at; photography. He had a knack for finding the best views, though in the beginning his pictures were rather blurry. As he grew older and got into card games, he once more found himself a dead-average player. When he had become objectively superior to his old crew, he just couldn't seem to get better in his new crew. With a few all-nighters of mixed learning about several forms of strategy, tricks for photography and his college studies, he finally broke away from his losing streak. Since then he had a second dream. Not only did he wish to take the most beautiful picture there'd ever be, he also dedicated himself to dominating any card game he played. Ring: Blue Deck: Drowned Gallows Ranking: F [/hider]