Alrighty, so just as an update, the current situation is that we have ten approved Servants with three on the way, and three approved Masters with nine on the way. This does mean that, as is, there will be one more Servant than there will be Master, but all things considered that's better than I was expecting. We'll start getting the ball rolling more properly once a few more Masters are approved and people start to pair off. As we are now, the aforementioned anticipated start date of next weekend should be reasonable. As an aside, just to make sure everyone who's said they'll be making an app is doing so, please let me know if this is no longer the case for you. Masters: [@DrowsyPangolin] [@Beloss] [@Breo] [@Tatsua Aiisen] [@GreenGoat] [@ConstantlyComic] [@Psyker Landshark] [@Kuroyomihime] [@Cojemo] Casters: [@ERode] [@ConstantlyComic] Berserkers: [@ADamnFiddle] EDIT: Also, if we do happen to get additional apps coming in after the above slots have been filled, then I'll consider increasing the class cap to three-per-class.