[quote]Silver is probably taking the F-15A/C... just a guess. Making them the super-fighter of the flight.[/quote] Actually, no - see my post above. I'm probably going to have an AV-8B, I was hmming and haaing over a Tornado as well; I'm still not quite decided and I'll probably do so once I've thought more about my character(s). Depends on if I want to create a pair or a single character. I'll probably end up going with the Harrier II since I'd rather just run a single character. I'll try and get the OOC up this evening. I have a couple of other things I need to do, so it's more likely to be tomorrow than tonight. Also, glad you're joining us too, Foster; I wasn't sure from your initial post, but from your second one I gather you're along for the ride :)