[hider=LOCATION] The Great Web: For ages our ancestors saught meaning to the cosmos, a divine plan, a purpose. We still search but through our pursuits we have changed the world. We have unlocked The Great web...what is the great web you ask? even mystics and sages disagree on some of the details. The Cosmos is a giant web of sorts, the patterns on these webs are like blueprints for reality, there is sound, when the web vibrates things happen. The sound also causes other strings to vibrate bringing rise to all kinds of phenomenon such as matter. with our magic we learned methods of manipulating the strings...though we didnt know how it worked at the time. within this web is the foundation of worlds...yes...worlds, you see children worlds are like a specific structure in the web, there are all kinds of structures that react to sound differently producing many different worlds. I use the term sound of course loosely, it isnt sound as we know it but its the best comparison. You asked for meaning, well the sound had to come from somewhere right? the first sound? that vibrates throughout the cosmos, some say the web wasnt always here, something created it...No...not Rom, Rom came much later. They say the web is an instrument by which God creates the universe, they say all this was planned. Many still search for god, travelling between worlds on the web, trying to find a center. [/hider]