[color=9e0b0f]"DAMN!"[/color] Vala shouted as she got low for additional cover from the rain of bolter fire. In differance from some of the others, she was still using the garage walls as cover so all she really could do to make things better was crouch down and lessen her target area. It worked, she got away with just a few scratches of her armor from flying debry. The garage wall protected her from the blunt of the bolter fire. She quickly aimed around hte corner and started to fire rapidly her rifle at the chaos marines. Power armor was not something ordinary weapons could cope with, but luckily for her, the gauss rifle she used was extremely high powered and the ammo she fired was high density metals. each of these thigns would tear giant holes in unarmored targets, but against space marines it would probably make dents in the armor, but still feel like being hit by a hammer. Unless you fired at the helmets that were the weakest part of the whole armor as always. She aimed and fired her shots with precision, at least until the crazy psyker decided to use her warp shaenanigans. Which sadly rendered her rifle not really useful as the wind distored the trajectory of her fire. Instead she lightningly fast pulled her modified las pistol and started aiming carefully at the guns of the chaos marines.