Name: Tom Carson Age: 34 Height: 6 foot Weight: 188 pounds Specialization: Sentinel Appearance: [img][/img] [img][/img] In combat armour Bio: Tom Carson was born on Earth, in the city of Belfast. Growing up, he always looked beyond the hidebound limitations of his surroundings, yearning to discover more of the Galaxy. He joined the Alliance military as soon as he was able, serving with distinction in many trouble spots. Over the years of service however he became disenchanted with the Alliance leadership and their seeming passivity in promoting the interests of humanity. He mustered out at the rank of Major. He became a mercenary, selling his military abilities to whomever paid. He wasn't heartless though, and still possesses his own code of honour. Then came the Skylian Blitz. Carson was in the thick of the fighting there, earning him the sobriquet “The Iron Major” for his courage. He was also present during the strike at Torfan, where his mercenary group took heavy casualties wiping out the Batarians. In the aftermath Carson was approached by an agent for Cerberus, a hidden organization working to promote humanity's interests in the Galaxy. Since then Carson has been a top agent for Cerberus, accomplishing some of the most dangerous and crucial tasks the Illusive Man has to offer. And always with the same objective in mind; to serve his species. Not that he was anti-alien. He respects many aspects of alien cultures, especially the Turians' deep sense of civic duty and sacrifice. But Humans deserve a fair shake in the Galaxy too, don't they? Carson has also remained on the mercenary circuit, keeping his cover, and accepted the job offered by the Shadow Broker and join the ragtag team of adventurers, scholars, and soldiers who are preparing to take Saren on. Equipment: M-96 Mattock, Phalanx Heavy Pistol, Scorpion Pistol, Frag Grenades, Combat Knife Powers: Throw, Tech Armour, Warp, Overload