[@Burning Kitty] Can't remember the ins and outs of the event, something to do with counterfeit 'mjolnirs' giving random heroes Thor-like power, and turning them evil in the run up to a new Ragnarok, but Tony Stark decided the only way to fight them was to give a group of heroes uru weapons. [Img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/2/2c/Fear_Itself_Vol_1_7_Immonen_Variant.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111118034312[/img] It was a real paint by numbers style run, but it basically ended with the Asgardian power rangers there having to fight off the 'evil Thors', while the real Thor fought a Jormungandr expy, who for some reason was his uncle. [@The Kid Lantern] Thankfully no, I wasn't a collector during that phase. I do know that he was originally supposed to [b]be[/b] a mutant wolverine, in the same vein as the TMNT, when he was initially created though.