[@Cyclone] Okay, I'm watching boring group presentations, so I can give you a more detailed answer on current hain worshipping habits. Chippers have had enough time to spread around to just about all hain tribes accessible from the larger areas of mainland. There may be some isolated tribes that do not know who they are. A couple of things to keep in mind is that the information they carried is not consistent and the Chipper tradition has morphed into various forms and intensities of Stone Chipper worship over the years. Overall, there are currently two dominant religious habits of hain. These are Teknall worship, Mesathelassan shamanism, and Slough worship: Slough worship is ritual idolatry of nature and is generally seen more strongly around the Venomweald. Mesathelassan shamanism is what Capy has been fostering in Mesathelassa. It's fairly concentrated there, but still set firmly into the culture at this point. Teknall worship is anything from respect to outright dogmatic allegiance to Stone Chipper. It's pretty much everywhere at some level or another. Teknall is kinda their race's patron right now. Minor faiths are scattered around as appropriate. Lifprasil and Amartia both have hain worshippers. Many elemental lords could have fostered a hain population and become worshipped. There are probably still some chaos hain around. Hain Sculptors are here and there. Some hain around Rulanah will have taken Sularn's oath and begun to worship Toun, for better or worse. Chiral Phi lured some hain into her candy van in Metera. And don't forget that there are some hain in the Valley of Peace who worship Niciel and the angels. Basically, hain are just about everywhere, so they sample into just about every open faith with a few exceptions. However, most do not have the proper construction knowledge to build any worship building bigger than a shrine. Those that do are probably Alefprian, Yorumite, a few Mesathelassans, and anywhere else where they would both have good construction and the motivation to build a temple.