[hider=Smooth Jazz BGM][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMnrl0tmd3k[/youtube][/hider] [hr] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/24/fc/6a/24fc6a8ab7948bfe4c09ffb7bb6d8bae.png[/img][/center] [u]East Otropolis, Canaglia Family Hideout, 16th August 1932.[/u] Don Canaglia, aka Michael Corvi, sat alone in the secluded office that he uses to command his Family's operations. He had sent out a message to his most trusted members, and they should have been arriving very soon. Fortunately, this gave him time to think about the conversation he had with the other Mafia bosses of Otropolis. The table was held in the very early morning, in a smoke room located in the city centre where no one had the home turf advantage. Michael looked over the map he had rolled out onto his desk, which outlined the territories of each family, as well as businesses and important areas of the Canaglia turf, as he thought over the events of the table. It seemed the message was clear, none of the other families were content with what they already had. [i]This war... it's going to tear Otropolis apart...[/i] The Father thought before his associates entered the room. He waited patiently until everyone entered the room and the door was firmly shut. The morning rays splitted apart through the blinds, illuminating the room in an orangey hue. The smokey, swirling figure stood up and tucked the large chair behind him, twisting his cigar into the ashtray on the corner of the desk. "My friends, I thank you greatly for arriving on such short notice in a prompt time. It seems the importance of my message was heard..." He greeted in his thick American Italian accent, giving a smile, which the gesture was quickly diminished by his ghostly outward appearance. The Don's red eyes looked over the Family that stood before him before he began to continue his speak. "Some of you may or may not have been aware, but a table was called this morning between the myself and the three other Dons. The Scharole, Barones, Cosa Nostra and Canaglia had a long discussion about the futures of our businesses and the next steps to keep the Mafia alive and well. It seemed they all had a shared conclusion in mind. Forceful takeover." Michael explained, recounting the events. "This is far from the situation I had hoped for. This doesn't spell good news for anyone, really. But it is the situation we've been dealt with. There's gonna be a fight coming, and it's a fight that's going to decide who rules over the entirety of Otropolis." He stated, getting out another cigar from his pocket on his coat of smoke. He lit it up and took a drag of the smooth rolled cigar before exhaling out the cigar smoke, seemingly mixing with his own. "Now, we're not hitting the mattresses or anything. I'm not telling anyone to go into hiding. We got no reason to suspect one of the other families is here on our turf yet. What does need addressing is our next steps..." Michael lead on. "Before we even THINK about how we're going to address the other families, we need to make sure our own businesses are secure and protected. I've had rumours about some shaky stuff that's been happening, including a group of loansharks who are trying to muscle in on our profits. They're start ups. I'm not even sure they really know what they're doing. So I'm not expecting anyone to get iced out there, capisci?" The godfather made clear. "I want the job done right, which is why I'm not sending any solider out there to stomp out our little problem. Kennison, McDowel, DeGarrio. That will be your responsibility." Michael said, beginning the process of distributing tasks and jobs. "Sinclair, Luciano. We have some business that don't want to pay up for our protection services. One being a very fine jewellery shop a dozen blocks away from here, and the other troublesome business owner being one of the local bars. It's a shake down job, so when they cough up the money, Hishamie, who will be accompanying you, will take it and count up, making sure we get what we're owed." "Ghirga, Harrison. You're going to go visit a little Junk (drug) shop about half an hour from here. They've got some blow I'm very interested in taking ownership of to redistribute. Our Songbird will do the talking, Cesar is there for when things go sour." "Donna, Dryder, Felmoth, Drogato. You will stay here. We must discuss our plan of action for addressing the issue I have just disclosed." Corvi looked upon his family once more. "Any questions?"