[center][h3][color=ed145b]Lucy Storm (Jacket)[/color][/h3] [img]http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac159/bryan_vega1/hero%20females/rsz_4lucida_zpsq1haxgim.jpg[/img] [hider=Other Characters][color=0072bc]Ahura Boltagon[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Johnny Storm[/color] [color=f7941d]Crystal Amaquelin[/color][/hider] [@The Kid Lantern][/center] The sun had risen over New Attilan, awakening many of the Inhumans dwelling within the safety of the city who had not already awoken earlier that day. Among those who had awoken before the rising of the sun was Lucida, along with her father, her mother and other members of the royal family. She looked at the two, smiling a somewhat sympathetic smile. Their age was catching up to them, although it was amazing to think this given how active the two were. Her mother, Crystal, served as a member of the council, advising and aiding the king, Ahura. meanwhile, her father, one of the few Non-Inhumans allowed to not only enter, but live in the city, helped in the education and training of Inhumans with pyrokinetic or heat based abilities. He also helped in advising regarding matters of the outside world. Lucida watched over the proceedings in silence. Having spent her entire life in the confines of the city she was eager for the conclusion of this meeting and it showed. She smiled as her parents spoke. Her father advocated the importance in a revitalization in the relationship between the Inhumans and the outside world. Her mother followed by advising she be allowed to participate in a sort of outreach program, perhaps by attending Empire State University. Ahura listened calmly, quietly mulling over the idea. He was already taking part in the UN as the leader of the Inhuman nation. Still, apart from that, there was rarely communication with the outside world. Still, in the recent news, if the isolationism of the nation, or the movement of the city to a more hidden location from it's previous home near the Statue of Liberty, wasn't bad enough... There had apparently been reports of a rise in Inhuman related crime. The proceedings went one, and Lucida began to worry that Ahura would deny the request. That is, until he turned to her. Crystal and Johnny looked at her as well. Although typically an uncommon occurrence, she was being asked her thoughts on the situation. In all honesty, she was unsure of what she could really say to allow him to see her side. The king always seemed to have his mind made up. Always keeping the well-being of the inhabitants of their great home at heart, he made the best decisions possible for them. [color=0072bc]"Speak child."[/color] He finally addressed her. [color=ed145b]"Yes my king."[/color] She swallowed, nervous for the first time today. [color=ed145b]"I believe that it is important to develop connections with the outside world. If the Inhumans are to thrive and surpass the limits of those before us we must learn to change with the world around us."[/color] She spoke openly, partially reciting much of the lessons she'd learned from her parents over the course of her admittedly short life. [color=ed145b]"As an Inhuman, and member of the Inhuman Royal Family, who better to set an example of who we truly are and what we stand for?"[/color] [color=0072bc]"Do you believe that I, the king, am not fit despite my ventures?"[/color] Ahura questioned the young woman calmly. [color=ed145b]"I believe you would be perfect, far above myself."[/color] Lucida had to choose her words carefully. While many here were her family, there were also those who were not, and those who stuck obstinately to the old ways. [color=ed145b]"However, you as our king and leader put the city and the people before anything else. Obviously, I would always put my people first, however, I could also interact in the outside world in more than a political way. I could do things that those in power, those who would work against us, would limit you from doing."[/color] She finished, Crystal and Johnny smiling beside her as Ahura peered down from his throne. [color=0072bc]"Very well."[/color] The king of the Inhumans finally spoke after a long silence. Ahura and those who'd rallied with her cheered, silent though they were, as those opposing the plan made their disdain audibly clear. To them this was madness, though they'd never oppose the final word of their king. [color=ed145b]"I will make you proud my king." [/color] [color=0072bc]"I'm sure you will young Lucida. Now be on your way. We have further business to discuss." [/color] [color=ed145b]"Of course!"[/color] Lucida smiled brightly as she hopped to her feet, Johnny and Crystal sharing a nod before he rose himself to escort her out. [color=9e0b0f]"After the meeting finishes I'll be coming with you to visit an old friend of mine."[/color] Johnny whispered to her. [color=9e0b0f]"So be ready."[/color] He finished before shutting the door behind her. Lucida jumped for joy before running off. She had to pack. It was the one downside of the plan. She'd also need to stop living in the city for a while. She could visit on occasion, but regular travel to and from could prove dangerous. Luckily, they would be making arrangements for her to live on the ESU campus. Johnny and Crystal had prepared her for this though, and she wasn't going to waver in her decision. [hr] It had been about 2 hours since Lucida's departure from the meeting. She had packed up what she needed. Crystal had begun making arrangements for living and money as well as the shipping of her daughter's things to her room. Johnny meanwhile had decided to call and leave a message for his old friend, as it had appeared he wasn't home at the time of the call. His voice had lost much of it's youthful charisma, though his vocabulary had not, evidently in the message. If Ben, the original Thing, managed to play it it would go as follows: [b][i][color=9e0b0f]Hey tall, bright and ugly. Guess who? *small chuckle* You are just about one of the only people I can fathom still having a landline, you know that? *Sigh and pause* Look, I'm calling to let you know that I'm going to be stopping by. I want you to meet Lucida. You know... My daughter... Yeah I know I never really explained that one. It's a long story. *slightly longer laugh* Anyway, we're gonna head down there because she's going to ESU and she'll be staying there so I wanted her to have somebody kinda nearby to go to if she ever needed anything and couldn't make it home or whatever. You better wait for us. *Cut*[/color][/i][/b] The years had gone by and despite intermittent contact Johnny hadn't actually seen Ben in a while, let alone updating him on the inner working of his and Crystal's life. Maybe this time around they could focus on catching up, even if it wasn't for long. Even so, Johnny was as tenacious as ever, not even bother to wait for an answer before nudging Lucida with a small smile before they took off. [color=f7941d]"That man..."[/color] Crystal spoke softly as she watched the two leave, noting Johnny's choice to go without the use of one of the many Inhuman air crafts. [hr] Roughly an hour or so had passed since Johnny and Lucida left the confines of New Attilan. They'd spent time flying in piece, talking, and observing as they flew overhead. Lucida was amazed by many of the things she saw. She was not so sheltered that she knew nothing of the outside world, but many of the things they passed she was seeing for the first time. Still, they didn't have much time to waste. Johnny looked around for a moment as they traveled New York now, until he motioned for her to descend. He landed first, the flames extinguishing as he touched down, Lucida quickly following. Despite the oddity of two humans coated in flames descending from the sky, nobody said or did anything. It was clear this was a neighborhood housing a former superhero. [color=ed145b]"This is the place?"[/color] Lucida asked as she looked around while they walked up to the front door. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm pretty sure. I mean... I'm old, but I'm not losing it just yet."[/color] Johnny replied as he rang the bell. He'd assumed that his message had been received and Ben would be there waiting for him and Lucida. [color=9e0b0f]Just need to play the waiting game for right now.[/color] [color=ed145b]"If you say so dad."[/color] Lucida smiled, chuckling lightly at the lack of a plan her father seemed to have. It was always an interesting contrast to the amazing hero he had once been, the hero she'd watched various recording of, the hero she'd admired for so long. Even just a few months ago, before her training had began for her venture into the outside world, preparation in case they'd succeeded in their efforts to get her out, she'd have looked with even more admiration than she did now. And she still admired him, but the comparison was who he was now to who he used to be weighed on her mind. She loved her father, but she felt more like she'd need to protect him now, rather than be protected by him. And so, standing there with him, she waited.