Sedriso almost laughed. "Oh, I [i]can[/i] keep you alive, no doubt about that. Sedriso Ulveri, the finest blade--or mage, if that suits you better--that money can hire, at your service. Also the most expensive, if I'm honest, but I can assure you, I am worth every last gold coin. Speaking of which--I charge a flat fee of five-hundred gold per job. No exceptions, no I-owe-yous, and no refunds. However...before we get into all that, let me lay out what [i]I[/i] can offer [i]you[/i], yes?" Now, Sedriso was getting into his game, and he rubbed his hands together. "Simply put, I offer a combination of skills, unlike many of those other mercenaries who only know how to bash skulls in after coming clean from the bandit life. I've been doing this much longer than any of [i]them[/i], as well. Nigh a hundred years now, I think. I dare you to find any [i]human[/i] mercenaries that can boast [i]my[/i] experience. Be it magic, blade, or stealth, I can fulfill any combat requirements you may ever have. Which means, simply put, keeping you alive is what I do best." He told her. "So...If you're still interested, then we can get right down to business."