[b][H2][Center][color=steelblue]Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd[/color][/center][/H2][/b] [Center][@TheWindel][@KoL][@Mega Birb][@Awesomoman64][@Lmpkio][@Banana][/center] [hr] Henry watched with a look of anticipation as a series of events all happened at once. Balrog burst through the wall, threatening Ira and then calming down once he saw how fucked up Sliske was. Victories offered to give Henry his reward until an ominous fashion, Henry discreetly pulled a large revolver out of a Gate just in case. Ghelgath burst into the throne room with a neat little army of ice soldiers, good thing Henry pulled his gun. Ira kinda nocked Ghelgath for his sense of honor and Henry chuckled. This chick was way more tolerable than Rufus, that's for sure. More stuff happened and now Sliske and Ghelgath were fighting, Sliske having summoned his own army. Henry summoned his own throne and sat down right as Ghelgath covered the floor with ice. Chilly. [color=crimson]"If you were to dethrone her, I would gladly become your servant— Oh, silly me, I guess this turns me into the Starscream, right?"[/color] [Color=steelblue]"I suppose I'm Soundwave then. Shall I bring out the boombox?"[/color] Then some random dude on a horse came riding in and handed Ira a scroll thingy. Fun times is over. Henry aimed his gun upwards and fired several times, making sure to get everyone's attention. [Color=steelblue]"HEY ASSHOLES! IT'S FUN TIME!"[/color] [hr] Henry made it to Arcadia relatively quickly, his new wings were pretty damn handy in that regard. The mission was nice and simple. Death to all that opposed the new queen of Hell. Which is exactly why Henry was flying over the forests and dumping mass amounts of lit napalm all over them with his Gates of Tartarus. Where's the connection between those statements you may ask? Well Henry saw a demon skeleton yelling about how his troops were ready for the Machina and he also saw said skeleton raising troops from the forest. That was a definite danger in his book, so now he was busy burning down the forest. Smoky would be so disappointed. He also noticed a big ass angel, he made sure to try and stearate clear of that fucker. Henry wasn't gonna break his wings a day after getting them. He wasn't gonna get swatted like a fly again. What a jolly day.