[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wVvC2Rv.png[/img] [h2][color=f7941d]Bravery[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/U6XSkpt.png[/img] A bead of sweat ran down Ashton's face as he heaved against the seat. He let out an exasperated grunt as the seat began to budge. With the help of the pinned girl, Ashton was able to tilt the wreckage over and set her free. He fell forward a bit as the seat toppled over onto the ground next to Lily. [color=f7941d]"Whew!"[/color] Proclaimed Ashton in an accomplished tone as he rolled over onto his back. "That looked lighter than it was." He turned to Lily and let out a small smile. [color=f7941d]"Hope you're alright."[/color] Ashton lightly gripped his shoulder as the pain continued to ping numbly through his arm. He looked up at the young boy who introduced himself as Ginty. [color=f7941d]"Nice to meet you Ginty and Lilia...er...Lily. I'm Ashton."[/color] Sitting up, Ashton looked around, seeing if he could see anyone else around in trouble. He found himself struck with awe as he began to notice all the wounded and moaning children. There was no way he could help them all. Especially with his arm in it's condition.[color=f7941d] "What do we do now? Do you think this place has an exit?"[/color] He asked, looking up at the roof of the cave and the hole they fell through far above.[color=f7941d] "I'm like...ninety percent sure we can't climb back up...not all of us anyway..."[/color] He ironically massaged his arm. [color=f7941d]"Unless maybe we use that rope?"[/color] Ashton motioned toward the makeshift rope Ginty offered earlier. [@XxLyraxX][@The1Rolling1Boy][/center]