[b]Name:[/b] Seta Hikaru [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Seta is an athletic teenager standing at 5'10. His face angular and youthful, with large dark eyes and high cheekbones, yet often covered with thick, dark stubble. His black hair is worn short and gelled, shaved on either side of his head. Seta has a penchant for altering dress code, often rolling his sleeves up and unbuttoning his collar. [b]Personality:[/b] Seta is usually brooding or quiet. Completely introverted, he often does not act out or do anything on his own, but prefers to mimic the people around him, usually his childhood friends. He has never revealed his true thoughts or intentions. Seta enjoys being accepted by others and earning praise, and can be competitive and possessive when it comes to the affection of others. His circle of friends would be considered the rebels of the school, and so Seta often defaults to their careless and delinquent behavior. Seta's mental state can seem to border psychosis, and while he is fully in tune with empathy, he is able to detach himself from his emotions and find opportunity in even the darkest situations. [b]Skills:[/b] Seta has developed basic strength corresponding to a minimal exercise routine, and has a good sense of balance. From years spent trying to fit in, Seta possesses a strong ability for reading the emotions of others, mimicking behavioral patterns, and fabricating stories on the spot. He is very cautious and calculating, and can often keep a clear mind under pressure. [b]Equipment:[/b] Cell phone, wallet, keys, pocket knife. [b]Soul Arts:[/b] [b]Gekijo no Kage[/b] - The Gekijo no Kage chip, inserted into a slot superior to the foramen magnum on the back of the user's head, allows the user to conjur illusions affecting the senses. These illusions are not simply tricks of the mind, but an extension of the user's consciousness. They must be created proximal to the user, but beyond that can traverse any length of space from the user and can be used to conjure further illusion. The current user, Seta Hikaru, has only basic ability with the Soul Art, and his illusions can only affect sight and sound and are minute in scale. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Seta was raised by a narcissistic drug-addicted father and a victimized mother. Struggling to make ends meet, they spent Seta's childhood in low-income neighborhoods rife with petty crime and violence. The children Seta grew up with often spent their days inciting local mayhem and running from authorities. Seta's father eventually left the family, and his mother cycled through other companions every several months, the best of them treating Seta indifferently. Seta now attends Yamamura High with his childhood friends, and is seen as one of the school's undesirables.