[center] [h2]Ginty, the soul of [color=0054a6]Integrity[/color][/h2] [@Inner Demon][@XxLyraxX] [/center] Ginty shook his head in disagreement with Ashton. "[color=0054a6]Not plausible Ashton. The rope isn't no where near long enough for that. I say we try to help the other people first before we even think about leaving since we are in no condition at all to climb out,"[/color] he says looking around at the other hurt kids then back at where he first woke up, [color=0054a6]"We can't help them alone so people we should look for other people who didn't get suverly hurt and who could help us." [/color]He then out stretches his hands for the two pf them to help them stand up. Ginty smiles softly up at them once they were both on there feet. [color=0054a6]"Well let's go fellow fallen,"[/color] He said jokingly has he wrapped up his rope and put it the bag bedore walking over to the tree trunk and looks over to the pther side where he left eveeything,[color=0054a6] "You guys can walk over this right?"[/color]