[center][h2][color=orange]Hildr Reinhardt[/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] Arcadia had all the hallmarks of an ideal utopia, an Avalon made manifest, yet had the misfortune of existing within the Nexus. As such it was now just a name on someone's map, and that made it as good a place as any to unleash the devastating power of three colliding armies upon the floating islands. Amidst the ranks of angels, there would be an imperceptible sound akin to the piercing of wet paper before a sharply dressed woman in a skirt suit emerged onto a floating rock with a cell phone pressed to her ear. [color=orange]"Look, if its not an irradiated wasteland when we're done here, I'll take us out here for a picnic, but you are not taking part in this battle. Someone has to keep Gunnr from discovering Skinemax and right now it's on you...what? Oh fine, but don't let Eins order the Pizza or he may arrive with Velcro pants and extra sausage...Yes, I love you too. Have fun~"[/color] The call terminated and Hildr slipped it into her coat pocket for safe keeping. She looked about and found their ranks had more harpies and giants then recalled. [color=orange]"Huh, I expected more spear wielding canon fodder. Guess this front sprung for the eccentric soldiers- wow, is that a Laguna? Sheesh, forget nuclear wasteland, I'll be lucky if there is a dust cloud to show where this place was. Too bad."[/color] Still, if that was how things were going to be, then at she didn't need to bother holding back too much.