[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RSIEFMz.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pgOGtMj.png[/img] [sub][@Drag][/sub][/center][hr][hr] The goons walked off, and muttered something, but Justin's ears were closed. Just usual "macho-men" that these tournament attract. It was natural. Though, Justin shuddered at the possibility that he could had ended up like [i]them[/i]. Well, he could had, if... [i]that[/i] day didn't happen. He sighed as they walked off, Justin then turned around at the kid who looked scared out of his mind. And just... [i]awkward [/i]here. He didn't have the looks of a fighter, and according to Seven-Seven, not even the fighting spirit! He could very well get killed out there if he went up against the heavyweights. Justin just couldn't imagine what would happen if this boy fought "Jeremy." The boy couldn't spit out a single word he was so nervous! Justin crossed his arms, and shook his head. "Brenton," Justin gave the boy his alias (because the last thing Justin wanted to do was alert a room full of Nomads that there was a price on them). "I'm Andrea!" Seven-Seven also gave an alias, because she knew it'd be better than just telling the boy her name is Seven. Her electronic eyes shined with a bright blue color, as she looked at Lucas. "Are you lost? You look lost?" Justin threw a thumb to the door. "The stands are down the hall, just take a right and you'll be right there."