Calvin was sweating. Unable to move, he looked around as people slowly entered the room. He was impressed and surprised by the number of people who came to support him, but the noble actions of his fellow infinites brought him little comfort in such a situation. He couldn’t speak without his throat catching, and so he sat, watching people react to Monokuma’s announcement. The game was a terrible one, and for a few brief moments, Calvin felt his blood boil as a bitter retort rose to his lips. It died away just as fast as it came, as he realized just how close he was to death. He watched as Mondatta voted himself, and as others locked in their votes. Looking across at his fellow infinites, he wasn’t sure who to go after. He knew nothing about these people. While he watched his fellow infinites make displays of voting themselves, Calvin chewed his lip. He couldn’t risk it. He was restrained, but turned to Geina, speaking to her in a low voice and stating his vote to her. Nodding, she pulled out his e-handbook and entered it for him, never lowering her gun. His sister was waiting for him back home. “Everyone, please.” His voice was hoarse, and his eyes were red. “Vote.”