[h2]Alessa Heather: PRT Headquarters[/h2] 'Yeah, that's completely fine, don't worry,' Alessa agreed jovially. She'd have said more, about not wanting to push boundaries, and about not forcing anything on anybody, but Protean interrupted the moment by turning into a wolf-man. Because of course that made perfect sense, as a way of encouraging people to run faster. Obviously. ...in fairness, it was helping her run way faster than before, even whilst screaming to herself and gripping Ira's hand to drag her along as quickly as possible. Logically, she knew he wouldn't grievously injure anybody, because that would be counterproductive. But, well, most people are not particularly fond of being attacked by normal wolves, and Protean was definitely putting on a... [i]terrifying[/i] act. Ideally, they'd be quick enough to avoid getting caught either way; she didn't fancy whatever punishment would be laid on the two of them if they were, assuming there would be one. [hr] [h2]Raymond Haywood: Highway Robbery[/h2] Well, that hurt. At least he was able to maneuver his arm through a hole in the thing to communicate with the team whilst bound up. As soon as he'd gotten his message to the group, he dropped the M16 (let go, rather, since it was pretty much tied to him at the moment, and could be grabbed again at any time) and pulled both KA-BAR knives from their sheathes, beginning to slice at the net and try to cut through it. The net was quite obviously made of metal cord rather than some form of rope, so that'd at very least extend the time taken to cut through the damn thing. And whilst he'd done what he could to put the man out of action for a few minutes, Morales might wake up at any moment, albeit very disoriented; if he wasn't quick, the man would wake up, reactivate his aura of overconfidence, and promptly put Raymond in the ground, or at least in a cell alongside Love Craft. As for the other three, he could only hope they had things under control with Crop Duster. If not, that'd be a real shame for them, because he certainly couldn't help them in his current condition, and he certainly wasn't going to try and help them if they fucked themselves over beyond retrievability.