[@Sophrus] Considering your history, race, pirate and rebel activities, your own security forces, the tech level of your kind and your general dislike of humans COUPLED with the extremely low human population on your planet, you'd be a threat level S, meaning you are under 0-24 inspection, a massive fleet is stationed near, but not directly above your planet. A massive force of ground troops are stationed on your planet to keep any rebellions at bay, and especially at nights there is a larger guard activity, and anyone who gets cought an hour after sunset will be taken into custody for treason. Maybe even a second Glory class battleship above your capital to make sure you ABSOLUTELY dont think about rebelling. Sounds jolly doesn't it? I think the fact that you avoided genocide means that you still owe the reaper's due, one way or another, and the Empire is keen on showing you that. I definetly expect months of ground combat before you can get victory, unless you pull some magic trick of course. (Btw the system is rigged so that humans lose, there is no way around that.)