[@KOgaming] [@GarlandDaHero] [i][color=f7941d]"[b]BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA![/b]"[/color][/i] continued The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell as he watched from his side mirrors to see what impact the officer would make. What he saw was not the writhing agony of a flesh bound officer, or their prayers to Lucifer about their new freedom; instead what The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell saw was a grizzly display of carnage as duel runner and robotic parts flew off from a fiery ball. The cackling stopped as Fyodor spoke solemnly. [i][color=f7941d]"Какая трата хороших ресурсов; Я плачу о тебе, падший воин. Я должен собрать обломки. Нет смысла тратить впустую ни одного гайки или болта. Не волнуйтесь. Я отправлю тебя в огненной кузнице самого Ада. И как только вы там окажетесь, я сделаю Люцифера вашим покровителем."[/color][/i] Upon finishing that statement Fyodor balled up his left hand and smacked it once against the torso. It was at this point The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell realized that The Phantom Duelist of Saotome actually intruded in the battle. In response to the Speed Spell Upstart Goblin, The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell simply nodded at Ryunosuke as his lifepoints shot up to 1600. Konstantinovich watched patiently as his foe had set up the moves in order to reveal the Crimson Knight Bram. Bram angrily at him, seemingly aware of their last encounter. Whether the Crimson Knight Bram was more pissed about its own destructions, or the rhymes that Fyodor spat out at him last time would remain a mystery for the current time. [i][color=f7941d]"Don't get so comfy you Vampiric Knight! For despite your spite, I have more might and I am not afraid to smite. I mean let's be honest as we both know I have Speed Spell - Tribute to the Doomed. You know that'll be coming sooner than later I figure I assume. So again I shall tell you, get out of my sight."[/color][/i] Just as he finished that bit of dialogue The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell saw that Bram had activated one of its effects and summoned the fallen Summoned Skull to fight against his own master. [i][color=f7941d]"Look. Summoned Skull, I swore when I used Final Attack it would actually be the Final Attack. Don't you dare give me that stink eye!"[/color][/i] But of course such an attempt at establishing a dialogue with Summoned Skull was worthless as the lightning struck true. The face down flipped card revealed itself to be Pyramid Turtle! With its head slightly poked out of its shell the turtle saw the lightning come towards it. Eyes widened as the head tried to find security in the Pyramid Shell; yet such safety could not be found. The shell fractured apart as a grey mist appeared. [color=f7941d][i]"Pyramid Turtle! Your death shall not be in vain! NOW UNLEASH YOUR RACING SPIRIT AND BRING FORTH...!"[/i][/color] Another Pyramid Turtle was brought to the field in Defense Mode. It barely had its head sticking out from the shell. [color=f7941d][i]"OH PYRAMID TURTLE! You will help avenge your lineage! IT IS YOUR DESTINY PYRAMID TURTLE!"[/i][/color]