Incoming psionic mumbo jumbo. Does this even make sense? [url=]-Isz[/url] The older races can tell that somehow, the Crayvens have changed from how they were before. Oh certainly, they always were the impatient short lived and determined insectoids they are, but before there was a passion to them that has been seemingly replaced with cold and unfeeling motions ever since they were almost genocided. How could they know the truth behind this though, alien as it is. Something that once was common knowledge to every Crayven is now lost to time, the fact that like a human lives with the bacteria on his skin, the Crayvens had a symbiotic relation with creatures from another plane of existence called the Isz people or rather, the things. The human word for an Isz was as none recall, a soul. Living on their plane of existence, the Collective Consciousness or the Ithyll, 'Dreamland' as it was commonly called, the Isz lived on islands in the middle of a churning sea, the islands being the mind of the Crayvens 'Bellow' as the beings referred to the material plane. They were the source of unexplainable visions and thoughts as well as of a telepathic link between the members of the species for while the insectoids aren't expressive in the slightest and really never were, they could say 'I like this person' after a handshake due to what served as their subconscious interacting in the Ithyll. Great events in one realm could impact the other profundly however and at no time was this more evident than when the Crayvens reached the end of their resources, being unable to continue their exponential population growth. The Isz breed at about the same speed as the Crayvens without concerns for food and space but the minds available to host them so when there was no minds to receive them, newborns were forced to 'drown' in the void, dissipate without a mind of their own, to fight for new minds. It was all very stressful for the Crayvens, insuring generations born in periods of misery were destine to be highly stressed and extremely paranoid. The desire for the Isz in their minds to find a solution to their overpopulation traducing itself to the Crayvens, in the material plane, becoming restless and looking for a change, though they couldn't put their fingers on what. It was why the Crayvens were doomed to forever try and find room to grow, at the expense of everyone else. Contraception and birth control to make their empires more stable were doomed to fail, the Ithyll demanded permanent expansion! So then, what happened? Over a century ago, the Crayven race was brought to near extinction and all that was left was a single individual, a single mind, a single island in the Dreamworld. The Crayvens could repopulate, but that one Isz could not for unlike his host, the being's reproductive system was binary. Without at least one other Isz in existence, it could do nothing to repopulate the now once again fertile Ithyll of the Crayvens mind. [url=]-Stelaz[/url] The notion of time and space as the material plane knows it is foreign to the Isz who lived a single moment, it was probably why they were unable to control their own population and forced the constant doom of the Crayvens, but with this moment filled with emptiness, the last survivor, Stelaz, decided to delve in search of what had caused this. No Isz had been aware of the material realm more than the Crayvens had been of the Ithyll before, it was all a vague sort of thing that only rare gurus had the desire to explore. They could felt it was linked but couldn't see what was happening to the other side. It was with great effort that Stelaz managed to pierce the veil and look at the eldritch material world. The being took the energy needed to find the spot of land, the mind that would suit the best its efforts to make contact and thus found what was Lucretia. At first Stelaz was just an instinct, a feeling. Eventually, it became more than that and began to understand the nature of the place it had found itself. It and Lucretia communicated and during those nights, they both learned as much as each other on the other side and slowly formed a bond as both gained more knowledge of the other plane and learned how events in one affected the other. Stelaz never knew the Emperor of mankind, he is just a weird form in the aether seen through the mind of Lucretia, but he knows he is the reason he was left alone. That he was part of the churning sea that boiled endlessly around him and that through the physical world, he could end him.