Hello, I was asked to join your RP. Here is my CS, I hope it's okay. [hider=Lupa Velouria] Name: Lupa Velouria Gender: Female Race: Werewolf Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/aQrKQdG.jpg[/img] Personality: Shy around new people, and even with people she knows Lupa is very quiet. She prefers just doing things instead of talking due to her stutter. Lupa grew up in a very sheltered home so she doesn’t really know much about the world or anything beyond the forest she grew up in, making her naive and sometimes stupid. But Lupa has a good heart and can understand emotional instinctively, allowing her to easily see when people are lying or distressed. But when Lupa is in her [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d1/49/e2/d149e267e9ddde0a224c6db112ee18fb.jpg]beast form[/url], she’s much more savage and barbaric. While it only awakens when she’s hungry, in this form Lupa is nothing like her old self at all. She fights a lot, kills anyone she wants, and eats whatever meat she can get her hands on. In this form Lupa talks a lot about how killing is natural, and that only the strongest makes the rules no matter who it hurts. Not really pleasant, and the only way Lupa can retain control is when this form has its fill for food. Biography: Lupa grew up away from the city and civilization, among monsters known as Werewolves. Unlike some monsters Werewolves were capable of forming communities for themselves, and often fought other monsters for food, territory, or just strengthening themselves. Lupa’s clan never stayed in one place for long due to the Demon King’s armies forcing them away from many lands, but they could never find a place among civilization due to their beastial natures. And even among these werewolves, Lupa was very sheltered. Her father died saving Lupa and her mother from the Demon King’s soldiers, and since than her mother kept Lupa safe at home, not wanting her daughter to ever leave and get hurt. But because she couldn’t go out to even do basic things like hunt, Lupa never made many friends. She loved her mother, but she wanted to see the world. This resentment started to grow inside of her, creating a void in her stomach that no amount of delicious food could fill. Where most werewolf children were able to change between their humans and beast forms at an early age, when Lupa was a teen she still couldn’t. Until one day, after growing old enough that Lupa should have left home already, her mother still demanded that Lupa stay home. In a burst of anger Lupa exploded at her mother, shouting and yelling at her about how unfair she’s been and that Lupa needed to see the world on her own. As tensions grew Lupa suddenly changed into her werewolf form, and it was powerful despite being the first time she’s ever changed. Lupa overpowered her mother and went on a rampage through the countryside for a week until Lupa was able to take control again. When she did, she found herself in the middle of a slaughtered family, a family she killed when she was in her beast form. Since that day Lupa swore never to change back into her beast form again, but she also wasn’t going to go back home. She wanted to see the world outside her mother’s protection and learn what there was out there, both good and bad. Skills: Beast Form - Lupa is capable of turning into a powerful werewolf, a creature strong enough to face on demon lords with nothing but their claws, fangs, and ferocity. They grow stronger with age, gaining additional powers as well as just being tough to kill. Lupa’s werewolf form is controlled by her own hunger and the moon's setting. She tries to control this form by eating a lot, but on full moons she will be forced to change into her Beast Form. However on new moons she can't change at all. Tracking - Lupa is a skilled tracker who utilizes both the knowledge of her surroundings as well as her animalistic sense to find her target. Whether she’s looking for a stolen necklace or an outlaw, all she needs is one hint and she will find it. Archery - The only hunting skill Lupa learned as a child was how to use a bow and arrow, and that was only because she had a friend in the pack who taught her. Lupa is scared of fighting at close range because the smell of blood makes her hungry and makes her want to transform, so fighting from long range prevents this. Her keen sense allow her to detect her enemies from afar and around her, making her a decent shot. Other: While Lupa wants to help people and make them feel better, her upbringing and nature as a werewolf often causes her to clash with people. While she’s scared of her beast form, she sees no problem with eating people if they’re dead, and if forced to fight up she isn’t afraid of using her powerful jaws to rip a piece of her enemy off their body. The clothing she wears came from the home of the family she killed when she first awoke from her beast form, and she’s simply been buying new clothes whenever they’re damaged or dirty. She mostly wears clothes for warmth, and doesn’t find being naked a problem until she gets cold. Though she does like pretty clothes. Lupa has a habit of sleeping outside near bushes or trees, and finds beds to be stuffy and uncomfortable. She has a very hard time sitting still and can only stay in place if she’s eating something. Lupa also likes to collect random things and put them into her “treasure box”, which can be anything from bags, baskets, and actual boxes which she hoards her treasures. What counts as treasure can be a bit odd for others, as Lupa collects anything from acorns, rocks, dead bugs, live bugs, wild animals, and body parts. Lupa doesn’t understand the concept of money or wealth so coins and jewelry have no value to her beyond trading with others for stuff, and even then she would throw them away if they’re inconvenient. Though this also means she has a bad habit of stealing everything she wants instead of paying for it, which often leads her to getting chased off. Lupa has a habit of picking her teeth when she is idle or thinking about something. [/hider]