[Center][h2][color=662d91]Soul of Perseverance ♥ Mimi [/color][/h2] [@Thread Generator SIN] [@Vesuvius00] [@Laach] [@Probably Everyone Else] [/center] Mimi yelped as the trio pulled up mrs. Cassidy. [color=662d91]"Owowowow CRIPES"[/color] She wasn't bothered by the unstable ground as much as the partial weight of a grown-up resting on her small frame. With the pulling done, Mimi let herself fall to the ground, landing flat on her ass before laying down with her arms sprawled out. Looking up into the darkness that loomed over them, Mimi's self-pity was interrupted by mrs. Cassidy rambling a bit before bursting into tears. With a sigh Mimi got up again and patted the woman on the back; she hadn't quite grasped the severity of the bus falling, but she did know that crying people should be comforted. A couple of momens passed before mrs. Cassidy actually calmed down, but eventually, she'd have to. [color=662d91]"Did everyone make it out alright?[/color] she asked the group. Unlike usual, she actually waited for an answer rather than immediately rush off to the next thing. Eventually they'd have to move on though, and as soon as it became clear no more people would answer the question Mimi headed to the center of the cavern, calling out [color=662d91]"Is anyone up and moving by now?"[/color] In the darkness she failed to notice most of the people gasping in pain, probably in shock--the sound of their pain now starting to feel a part of the background noises, yet mostly unnoticed over the rushing water.