Someday they'll look back at this scene and laugh. Ino might laugh a little harder. XD "Gosh, you guys were dating and didn't even know it! Haha!" Ino can be so adorable sometimes, I can see her going over to Sakura's house or maybe even Shikamaru's to help them sort of pick out new clothes? I feel like Ino might try to help and weasel out more juicy details in the coming week. What do you think? Ron could be downright horrible to Hermione. I was in awe of their logic on the matter. They said Hermione would work all the time and Ron would probably be really lazy around the house and that even so, they'd still make it work because they're best friends or some shit like that. Urgh. Hermione and Harry seldom fought, and only when he was under pretty intense stress. I know that's not a clear sign for much but Ron was really dang selfish most of time and I don't see Hermione loving someone like him.