[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ad/1c/90/ad1c90adc50e691ed21159ddf36c3ef2.gif[/img] If ya need any support, just text me. I may not be on here much unless I see posts needing attention (still waiting on my Ninth Doctor guy to post but he seems hella busy atm). Luna and Ron would be fun. Luna has always yearned for a family and with Ron she gets one. Plus Luna and Ginny seem to get along better than Ginny and Hermione or Hermione and Luna for that matter. Luna's quirks would probably go well with Ron's and they'd laugh about his horrible eating habits and they'd fly over the burrow and watch falling stars and he'd help her carry on his father's paper and finally put in effort into something besides himself. :3