[quote=@ACHTUNG] While that's going on I've decided that the backup plan of Kancolle, should I use characters from said universe I would opt for original ship girls or at least ship girl forms of vessels in WWII which have yet to appear in the kancolle franchise to give me a bit more leeway in explaining how things work... Though of course this would mean I'd have no picture of said ship girls and such will go against your prediction of such part always being a picture... Could always go the VitaVita route and draw em myself... But that would mean going through the horrors of actually drawing... [/quote] You can just say 'Her arrows turn into miniature bombers after being launched from her bow', you know? No in-depth explanation needed. But maybe you're having trouble with the personalities in which case, whatever floats your boat dude. (I'm sorry) [quote=@ACHTUNG] And that there is why I would preferably have the ship body included... Deterrence, It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it... [/quote] I like your ardent defense to use Arpeggio characters. Make that sheet and let's see where this rabbit hole goes.