"Good." Kili grabbed hold of the corner of the heavy blanket that covered the bed, and from there, he covered Saeril up and pat the pillows behind her so that she could be comfortable. "You've cared so much for Fili and I, Delva...it's time we help take care of you, too." At that, he smiled at her, then leaned over to kiss her forehead. For a dwarf, Kili showed more emotion than most, and he was rather astute when it came to the feelings of others. Kili was usually upbeat and optimistic to a fault; he wanted those around him to be happy, not sad. "I'll be back soon." Shutting the door behind him, Kili left Saeril to rest, hoping to find his uncle in better spirits than before. The chances were slim, but he needed Thorin to hear him out. There was much to be said, and much to be decided. Each hall seemed to mirror the next, and every stairway seemed to go on forever. It didn't take long for Kili to become impossibly lost; the rooms were large and impossibly bleak. Kili wasn't worried, however. This gave him plenty of time to think and plan what he would need to say to his uncle. Just as Kili began to plan his next course of action, he felt a shadow overcome him. Turning, he was met with the king. "Thorin -- I didn't see you there," he was mildly alarmed, and taken aback by the suddenness of his approach, yet he recovered swiftly. "I take it you've rested." Thorin was impossible to read. "I did, yes." Kili watched him closely, his godmother's warning echoing in his ears. "What have I missed?" Thorin moved a step towards a window, one that overlooked the collection of stone they'd used to block the entrance. "See for yourself." Unsure what to expect, Kili stepped alongside of his uncle, taking a look for himself as suggested. As soon as he Kili saw the stone and heard Thorin's explanation for it, he took on a look of absolute disbelief. Slowly, he turned to Thorin, angered by what he had learned. "You've locked us in...and everyone else out." "I've done what was necessary. No one is to be trusted." Thorin's answer was clipped, his gaze cold. "One day, you will learn to understand, and you will see what I have sacrificed for you and our people." Kili shook his head, unwilling to accept this answer. "This isn't right, none of it," he spoke with more bravery than he'd expected to, and he kept eye contact, even with Thorin's penetrating stare. "We can't shut everyone out! Your desire for the Arkenstone has made you this way." Thorin rounded on his nephew, the words hitting a nerve. "What has that she-elf been putting into your head?" He snarled, gripping his nephew's forearm with violent force and pulled him closer. "She's poisoned you against me, hasn't she? She's filled your head with lies, and you're foolish enough to believe them." Eyes wide, Kili pulled away from the deranged king, angered by the accusations. "She hasn't poisoned me against you! She's only tried to help!" This time, he raised his voice, the empty chamber filled with his words. "You've lost sight of what is important! You have [i]no right[/i] to..." The sentence was never finished, for Kili was struck across the face with so much force that he fell. "I have EVERY right!" Thorin bellowed, fists clenched at his sides. "I am your king, and you WILL show me respect!" From there, the king took a threatening step forward, though he made no move to strike him a second time. "You have forgotten your place -- and if you speak out of place again -- you, and she, will be banished from my kingdom."