[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ff8c00]Schrödinger[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos/medium/20051320.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Across the street from Building [b]A[/b] (Ash's House) -> Making His Move [/center][hr][hr] The oddly tense situation with the alpha guy, strangely familiar looking human, and crowd around them out on the street seemed to bowl over into a display of emotion that spoke of very, very bad news: [i][b]No one was going to give Schrodinger food.[/b][/i] Well, this was entertaining, at least. Seeing the multiple bursts of various facets of human emotion was also something of a learning experience. With a sense of growing curiosity, Schrodinger quietly catted his way around the side of the group gathered in front of the domicile claimed by Alpha, and sat waiting to see what was going to happen next. He didn't have to wait too horribly long for more screaming drama to occur, this time from the house behind him. Humans made too much noise sometimes. Maybe it was some sort of mating ritual? Hmm... Hard to say. While Schrodinger was puzzling out this latest puzzle of the Human Condition, a piece of yesteryear electronics came flying out of the window above the stalwart orange tom, nailing the hard concrete just to one side. Such a startle was very not necessary if they wanted him to move someplace else, but it sure as hell was effective. Schrodinger voiced his objection to the act with a solid, [color=darkorange]"MEOW!"[/color][sub]1[/sub] and made a mad dash for the nearest place of shelter. A striding leap and set of extended claws later, Schrodinger found himself on the railing of Ash's front porch. He couldn't tell if anyone had noticed his [i]rapid[/i] ascent, but that didn't stop him from quietly jumping down onto the wood floor below. That door had to open sometime, and he aimed to get his furry ass inside ASAP. There was usually a warm fireplace in there, when he could get at it. [hider=Translations] 1 = "Fuck this, I'm out!" [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=steelblue]Ash Holloway[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a203/D__S/michael%20biehn/american%20dragons/tonyluca3.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Building [b]A[/b] (Ash's House) [/center][hr][hr] Ash wholeheartedly agreed with Miss Sally. He had to rectify this situation as best he could. The problem was, he was not what you'd call "good with feelings". Talking about them, dealing with them, nada. He could bark orders, make military plans, and/or hang out sipping whiskey with the best of them, but when speaking with others showing honest, real, [i]complicated[/i] emotion, he was bereft of clue. He needed help. It was just a fact that if her emotional reassurance rested upon him, they were sunk. Leaning in to Sally, Ash spoke quietly, [color=steelblue]"Ten minutes, organize a Welcome Wagon as best you can. No one in Newnan can guilt folks quiet like you, Miss Sally. Full setup for someone settling in - warm blanket, fresh clothes. Hell, if we've got any sweet potato pie or canned peach cobbler left from the other day, set that girl up. Condolence cards, if we've got any. Guilt the hell out of these people. I want hugs and smiles waiting on her, and folks knocking on my door to drop off casseroles and shit. Got me? Thanks, ma'am."[/color] Ash looked disapprovingly out at the Newanites gathered before him. He holstered his weapon, finally remembering that he still had it out, and gave a long, sideways glance over to Dick and Ryan's place. He was not happy with the noise coming from there, not in the least. It was counterproductive to Thana's continued presence in Newnan, so far as he could guess. And given her qualifications (not to mention her face), it seemed like her arrival was kismet. Ash couldn't put a finger on why, but there seemed a purpose to her showing up. Leaving now, under those circumstances? It wasn't right. It was her decision to make, though. He just hoped he didn't inadvertently get her killed, too, if he changed her mind and stuck around. He turned around and opened his front door, giving one last look at the people out front before stepping inside. He could have sworn that he felt something brush against his ankle, just barely, before he entered his house. Ash waited a while for Thana to reemerge from the bathroom. He had set up two tumbler glasses and a growler bottle of milky, orange-brown liquid. He filled each of the glasses, and started monologuing. [color=steelblue]"I've never told anybody this, but I suppose it's a good enough time as any. I didn't like your sister very much. Now, I don't mean that I hated her - that's not accurate. But from the moment she set foot in Newnan, Zoie was loud, bossy, borderline insubordinate. Made herself at home faster than it was offered. She was my Second, as I told you before. I wouldn't have done it if she didn't get the nod of approval from a man whom I respected above any other living human being; Mexican legend, name of Caesar."[/color] Ash took a sip of his drink and set it back down. He motioned her toward the other glass. [color=steelblue]"Caesar was a powerful, dangerous, insightful man. And he was the father of a woman who was very close to me. She died the day that your sister showed up. I'll give you the details another time, but there was a [i]lot[/i] of death that day. He was able to see something in her that I could not. It was one of the last pieces of wisdom that he imparted before he died, and the reason why I made the decision to give her the position I did. In the end there were a LOT of job openings left that day. It made sense for many of them to be filled by people just arriving. People listened to her - especially the new ones. She was effective, but I still had my doubts. Something always felt a little off."[/color] Another sip, this one deeper. [color=steelblue]"You really should try this. As a botanist, I'd imagine you might have a professional opinion to offer. But anyway, she was loved and appreciated here, my reservations aside. And never talked about her family, neither her nor your friend James out there. I guess it's difficult to talk about loved ones, when it's a lottery win for them to be alive at all. Hell, here's something else I've never told anybody: I have a brother unaccounted for out there, somewhere. Alive, Dead, walking around anyway... anybody's guess. My girlfriend from Before? Same thing. I'm just as certain they're dead as I am the sun will rise tomorrow. It's easier that way. Same as it is with those people out there."[/color] [color=steelblue]"That's shock that you saw. Pure and simple. Well, maybe not Richard, he's a kind of a fuck-up regardless. I believe that right now, those people are picking their jaws up off the floor and realizing that you're not a joke or a mirage, and remembering their manners. Give them a little bit. Give Newnan a little bit to show you."[/color] [color=steelblue]"And I'll tell you something else, Thana. Those reservations I had about Zoie? Don't have them about you."[/color]