==> BE THE GIRL WITH THE HEADPHONES. Your name is ARIA DOLTON, and you are by far the OLDEST MEMBER OF YOUR TEAM. You have been AVOIDING LEAVING YOUR ROOM for quite some time now, seeing as how your AUNT FREQUENTLY AMBUSHES YOU WITH STRIFE, and you'd rather not tear the new skirt you made. Did you mention that you love CLOTHING AND FASHION? No? What about your NONDISCRIMINATING taste in MUSIC? You forgot that too? Ah, well. Now everyone knows. What will you do? You go immediately to grab your MP3 PLAYER and plug in your headphones. You're not sure why you took it put to begin with. The SLEEK, PURPLE DEVICE WHICH DOUBLES AS YOUR MESSAGING DEVICE almost never leaves your hands. It is your single most favorite possession. In addition to your Mp3 player, you also grab the nearby PAINTBRUSH, which you allocate to your STRIFE SPECIBUS. You're going to need it if you plan to leave your room.