Derrick followed the rest; there was only one way to go anyway. It looked like the stairs would provide safety, a way to escape their pursuers, and that was something they could all use. But looks could be deceiving. You think you have a nice bountiful harvest of carrots and then [i]BAM[/i]. You pick it out of the ground and it's half eaten. Still, you can't un-plant a field, and leaving it there would give you more rabbits. There was nowhere to go but forward. So Derrick swallowed his misgivings and followed the group up the stairs. Surely this big magical stone gargoyle thing who's been in here for who knows how long wouldn't have some way of getting to the upper floors. Considering it called itself the jailor and the fact that it was by a jail actually made that sort of likely. Still, it could potentially follow them up, and if that happened, he hoped that there would be something up there thick enough to keep it away from them. [@Dusksong][@Hekazu]