"[b]They think to hide behind metal boxes?![/b]" "[b]Fools! Destroy their petty hideout![/b]" Sounded the metallic, slightly distorted voices of the chaos space marines as rather than trying to walk around the heavy metal cargo container in their path, they resorted to simply shooting it up instead - a missile fired from one of the chaos space marines carrying a launcher penetrating the container and tearing it apart from the inside as it would a tank, the two warped metal halves throw aside as thousands of chandeliers rained out from inside the cargo container in the loud explosion, barely masking the manic laughter and gunfire from the advancing ranks of Chaos Space Marines. The path to the warehouse was now clear, the only obstacle blown away, but the container had by now served its purpose, as Adrianne could feel the power coursing through her body was ready to be manifested entirely! "To oblivion with you all!" She shouted out from behind her skull mask, suddenly sweeping her staff across in a wide horizontal swipe as the air across the loading area became still for a moment, before finally, a whirling, gaping black hole would suddenly appear a few feet to the right of the chaos space marines, rapidly pulling in everything around it! Two of the nearby metal containers tilted and slid with a metallic screeching noise towards the swirling vortex, before being pulled into it, the massive containers suddenly being crumpled like paper as they were compressed and squeezed together until they were no larger than a pea before disappearing into the consuming vortex, gone entirely! The chaos space marines were quick to react, quickly reaching down and trying to hunker down as best they could as they within the pull area of the vortex. Whereas any normal human would have been immediately swept off their feet, their supernatural beings and heavy armor allowed them to stay put, for now, although some of them had to relinquish their bolters and weapons to avoid being pulled into the vortex; the weapons in question being pulled in and much like the containers before them, atomized and consumed by the swirling vortex! One of the chaos Space marines wielding a large, heavy bolter found his footing slip, growling furiously as he found his own heavy frame sliding towards the vortex! Adrianne slumped back, having released the terrifying eldritch might, and now feeling every fiber of her being pulsating with exertion as if she had just finished a brutal marathon! But the Psyker refused to fall back until she had reached forward, a purple ray of lightning shooting out from her hand and hitting the Havoc marine in his shoulder; failing to penetrate his heavy, cursed armor but pushing him enough for the chaos marine to completely lose his footing and be pulled into the vortex, a hateful cry of fury barely audible before the marine was utterly destroyed and obliterated by the vortex! As various cries of hate and even laughter escaped from the Chaos Marines as they were trying to pull themselves away from the Vortex and reform their ranks, Adrianne found herself walking backwards in a staggered form, barely keeping herself from tripping over her own feet as she walked back into the warehouse, passing the entrance and slumping against the side of one of the heavy stone walls. "That was, even more fun than I care to admit." She let out an exhausted chuckle from behind her helmet, her voice hoarse and feeling a trickle of warm blood seep down from her nose inside of her helmet.