When Manu is out of control of her force bad things shall happen anything from sonic pulse that blasts around her and sending anyone within thirty feet from her blasting away sharply {Even skilled masters not as badly as a padawan or a new knight} She can make tornado of force around herself and the outside crackles with intense and extremely hot lighting that no one should ever try to touch because it will burn you greatly in doing so The last thing that will happen not always but can happen at times is her eyes will glow either white for light force or black for the dark force. depending on the color her eyes change to you should all get ready for a crazy ride . Ways to stop a uncontrolled force weilder like her - Hugs {shut up} Yes hugs and trying to calm her down is a good way to show her that your on her side and not about to attack her - Calm speaking or never drawing a weapon at her {her out of control force times are often due to feeling scared or unsafe} so if you point a weapon at her or ignite a lightsaber at jer its not at all going to help - Cover her eyes and speak calmly - Much like a scared cat or animal if you cover their eyes they tend to relax much faster. She will calm down not as fast as speaking to her calmly or hugs but she will calm down nine the less.