[hider=Faction] The Knights of Vishnaar In one of the old Visogul forest village, the Knights of Vishnaar have taken up residence. While these knights are not mercenaries, they don't kneel to any lord or lady, following only their own code, the Vishnaar Creed. They have no true hierarchy either, and order is kept among them by respect and honor. Older and more accomplished members are more respected, but have no true control over the other knights. It is not a total anarchy, however, as anyone who goes against the Vishnaar Creed are ostracized and ignored. As the Knights of Vishnaar don't follow any lord, lady, and usually no king or queen either, they will not involve themselves in any conflicts they deem petty, and only fight against enemies of the common man, or threats against the safety and order of Phane. Their numbers have been cut down significantly, as many died in the First War of Rom. Their creed comes from their founder long ago, an old Visogul warrior named Ulric Vishnaar. When they started, their ranks consisted mainly of Visogul, and in the words of many who were saved in a desperate hour to be "Winged warriors of justice descending upon the wicked." Today, as Visogul have begun to shut themselves off from the rest of the world, the ranks of knights consists of men and a few Dun Gramor, and only a single Visogul knight remains. [/hider]