[center][h1][Color=F48CA7]Josephine Clark[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/76/5c/2a/765c2abcef8b4da1a298b022a7c39db8.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=F48CA7]Location:[/color] Grand Continental Hotel[/center][hr] Josephine was glad the man was being dragged off. He seemed more trouble than he was worth. As Aziza sat down, she told Josephine the story of her past. Never let it be said that Josephine didn't have a heart, especially for women. Her story moved her so much. To hear that she was driven out of her home for something like adultery and not being able to see her son, it made Josephine very mad. Backwards country with backward policies, it seemed. She sat next to Aziza and comforted her as best she could. [color=F48CA7]"I can't begin to understand the pain you are going through, darling, but you seem to be a strong, sensible woman and that I can approve of. I am confident one day you will see your son again. Forget about that man. When this business with the branding is taken care of, we should see about finding your son. I am sure we would have some authority and if not, I can be very persuasive."[/color]